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AHF Targets 100 Flynt Videos in Complaint to Cal/OSHA

The AIDS Healthcare Foundation plans tomorrow to submit additional complaints to state occupational safety officials complaints over condomless production shoots.

Cal/OSHA Looks at Computer Training for Porn Performers

The Cal/OSHA standards board held its first subcommittee meeting in response to the AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s petition to amend state health code standard to more specifically address the adult industry and the safety of workers.

Cal/OSHA Holds Performer-Safety Meeting Tomorrow in L.A.

Cal/OSHA will hold a subcommittee meeting tomorrow to discuss proposed performer-safety standards for the adult industry.

FSC, Industry Stakeholders to Attend Cal-OSHA Meeting

The Free Speech Coalition plans on attending a Cal-OSHA advisory meeting with a group of industry representatives next month to discuss bloodborne pathogen regulations for the adult biz.

Cal/OSHA, 6-0, Votes to Examine State Labor Code

The Cal/OSHA standards board voted unanimously to create an advisory committee which will determine whether to amend section 5193 of the state’s safety regulations to better protect adult actors.


The CAL-OSHA Story

In 2008, Cal-OSHA began to focus its attention on the adult entertainment industry. A handful of companies were visited by Cal-OSHA and were cited for everything from exposed electrical cords to expired fire extinguishers. Most companies are unaware that OSHA requires all businesses to have a workplace safety manual and workplace safety training. In response to the need for information about workplace safety and OSHA requirements, FSC developed a basic workplace safety manual for adult entertainment industry businesses to use as a guide in creating their own workplace safety manuals.

Diane Duke ·

Cal-OSHA Can't Seek AIM Healthcare Medical Records

A judge last week OK'd a protective order sought by "Patient Zero" over five years’ worth of information from the AIM Healthcare Foundation that Cal-OSHA had been seeking.

AIDS Healthcare Announces Cal/OSHA Complaint

Representatives of AHF held a press conference today to announce plans to file a Cal/OSHA complaint against 16 adult production companies for not using condoms.

AHF to File Cal-OSHA Complaints Against 16 Adult Entertainment Studios

The AIDS Healthcare Foundation intends to file formal complaints against 16 adult entertainment companies tomorrow with (Cal-OSHA) in order to push for mandatory condom legislation in porn.

Cal/OSHA Visits AIM

State health and safety investigators inspected Adult Industry Medical Healthcare offices yesterday.

Cal/OSHA 'Moving Forward' on HIV Positive Performer Investigation

"We don't know who the employer is or who was infected, but as soon as we get that information we can start," Cal/OSHA spokesperson Dean Fryer told XBIZ.

Cal-OSHA Rep Visits Naughty America Set

Naughty America's Dusty Lillo has confirmed to XBIZ that a Cal-OSHA representative visited an NA set last week — a move that could signal increased vigilance of on-set working conditions by the state's Occupational Safety and Health Administration.


Cal/OSHA Rules for Adult

Information from the State of California Department of Occupational Safety and Health pertaining directly to requirements for the adult industry.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Is Your Set OSHA-Compliant?

Although it faces constant assaults from government and special interest groups, the adult film industry remains a legal, multi-billion dollar industry. And, as with all manner of legitimate businesses, adult entertainment is subject to laws and regulations.

Sherman Fridman ·

Cal/OSHA Fines Adult Video Companies

The California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) has issued steep fines against two porn companies for allegedly failing to protect three employees from health hazards on the film set of "Split That Booty 2," which starred Darren James, Jessica Dee and Lara Roxx.