News & Articles
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McConnell Ties COVID Relief Vote to Section 230 Repeal

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) derailed today any attempts to reach agreement on a one-time, $2,000 COVID-relief check for most Americans unless the bill also included the repeal or reform of Section 230, the so-called “First Amendment of the internet” that digital rights activists consider the basis of online free speech.


A Look at the Lessons COVID-19 Has Taught Adult Retailers

Life as we know it has changed dramatically over the last year. Never did we realize that 2020 would bring such disruption to modern times.

Daniel Miller ·

Sweeping Online Copyright Enforcement Changes Added to COVID-19 Relief Package

Last night, as part of the $2 trillion COVID-19 relief bill sent to President Donald Trump for his signature today, Congress approved, in addition to the CASE Act, a controversial “felony streaming bill” written by Senator Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) that makes sweeping changes to the way video copyright claims are handled by authorities.

'Save Our Stages' Relief Bill May Exclude Strip Clubs Through 'Prurient' Clause

Application for relief under the Save Our Stages Act — designed to subsidize live entertainment venues and businesses affected by the months-long COVID-19 shutdown and incorporated into the $900 billion stimulus bill Congress sent to President Donald Trump for signing today — includes the standard Small Business Administration (SBA)’s discriminatory language that allows disqualification of adult-oriented businesses like strip clubs.


COVID-Friendly Strategies for Retail Staff In-Store Learning

If there is one sales activity that both stores and manufacturers seem to truly bond over, in my opinion, it is during store visits and trainings.

Danielle Seerley ·

FSC Hosts Industry Town Hall About COVID Prevention

The Free Speech Coalition (FSC) held a special town hall on COVID-19 today, addressing the new Cal/OSHA regulations, the rapidly evolving California "Safer at Home" orders and a potential increased risk to adult sets.

FSC Issues Advisory Regarding New COVID Public Health Orders for California

Free Speech Coalition (FSC) has issued an advisory that seeks to clarify today's "stringent new public health orders" issued for the State of California and Los Angeles County.

FSC Releases New COVID-19 Guidelines

The Free Speech Coalition (FSC) has issued an advisory on the current COVID-19 situation in the adult industry.

FSC Moves COVID-19 Town Hall Meeting to Dec. 11

An industry town hall meeting to address new Cal/OSHA emergency COVID-19 safety regulations has shifted to Friday, December 11 at 11 a.m. (PST) from its original date, today, in order to incorporate the latest orders.


How Camming Has Changed During COVID-19

I first started camming in 2017 when my sister, who was also a cam model at the time, told me I should give broadcasting a try.

Lana del Bae ·

FSC: Cal/OSHA Approves Emergency COVID-19 Safety Standards

Free Speech Coalition (FSC) announced the California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (Cal/OSHA) has "unanimously approved" temporary emergency standards related to COVID-19 prevention.


How COVID Restrictions Are Unleashing New Retail Opportunities

One thing about COVID is that we have all gone through each phase of it together, whether we wanted to or not. Watching retail stores combat their way through existence during these tough times has been an eye-opening and awe-inspiring experience.

Danielle Seerley ·

A Look at Bodily Fluid Play in the Time of COVID-19

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most of us are more aware of the safety risks of fluid exchange both in and out of the bedroom. But what can someone do when their fetish involves bodily fluids?

Rebecca Weinberg ·

FSC Reports Industry COVID Exposure in Los Angeles

Free Speech Coalition (FSC) is reporting the positive COVID-19 test of "an L.A.-based industry member" who had worked on several sets earlier in the week. Contact tracing and retesting is now underway; no additional positive tests have been received.

FSC Reports COVID Exposure Following Adult Shoot; 'No Apparent Threat' to Talent Pool

Free Speech Coalition (FSC) is reporting COVID-19 exposure following a shoot on "a small set in Nevada" this week with testing and contact tracing complete and "no apparent threat to the larger performer pool."


COVID-19 Sparks Interest, Questions About Sex Toy Disinfectants

The statement “kills 99.9 percent of germs” is a big lie. Adult industry friends, please stop and think with the big head and not the little one for a moment.

Deborah Semer ·

Kate Kennedy Explores 'Porn Stars, COVID and Side Hustles' for Hustler Magazine

Kate Kennedy has penned a featured article for Hustler Magazine, delving into the world of “Porn Stars, COVID and Side Hustles.”

Japanese Porn Industry Reportedly Recovering From COVID-Related Shutdown

Part of the Japanese porn industry experienced a shutdown this summer over positive COVID-19 tests, according to reports and industry sources.

Nalpac Features Sensuva in Final Week of 'F*ck COVID-19' Campaign

Nalpac has partnered with Sensuva for the 20th and final week of its "F*ck COVID-19" campaign with a social media takeover, spending promotion and other treats.


How to Overcome the Lasting Effects of COVID-19 on Retail

What do we do now? Well, unless you have a crystal ball, no one knows; but suffice to say that we all need to start re-thinking our business and marketing plans.

Kris Lynch ·