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Google Glass

Blending elements of both the real and virtual worlds, augmented reality technology allows users to interact with tangible objects in an intangible way. For example, custom live videos can be overlaid onto a background scene — providing the illusion of a dancer stripping in your own living room, as one marketable option for future porn purveyors.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Google Defends Its Algorithms in Public Policy Post

A Google exec has responded to a Wall Street Journal guest editorial by the CEO of comparison shopping site Nextag, who blasted the search giant for ballooning into a monopoly on Friday.

Google Execs Oppose U.K. Porn Filtering

Google executives believe that forcing U.K. users to opt-in to access porn would be a mistake.

Perfect 10 Piracy Suit Against Google Is Dismissed

Perfect 10's eight-year legal battle against Google over copying and distributing thumbnails of its images has been placed in the grave.

Google Exec Says Parents Should Protect Kids From Online Porn

Speaking at a conference of child welfare experts, A U.K. Google public policy analyst said it’s up to parents to keep their kids away from porn on the Internet.


Bing Vs Google

As Microsoft’s upstart Bing search engine continues to mature, its search results are becoming more refined and more in line with the results delivered by market leader Google; and adult search marketers are taking increased notice. Bing just keeps on gaining against Google across several metrics, capturing more than 30 percent of the U.S. search market away from its fierce and well entrenched competitor — and perhaps more importantly, reportedly delivering more clicks per listing than Google. Experts agree that this figure relates to users receiving more relevant search results; further fueling growth in the face of Google — a company once predicated upon those same relevant rankings.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Nuts and Bolts of Dating Sites — Getting Traffic

From Wikipedia to YouTube, mainstream websites have been a valuable promotional resource for many adult entertainment companies. Comprehensive biographical info on an abundance of adult companies can be found on Wikipedia; adult entrepreneurs often post nonexplicit promotional clips on YouTube. And when it comes to adult dating sites, mainstream search engines like Google, Yahoo and Microsoft’s Bing can be important ways to build traffic and attract customers.

Alex Henderson ·

Google Pulls Reddit App for Linking to Porn

The Google Play store has pulled a 3rd-party Reddit Android app claiming it is a “Violation of the sexually explicit material provision of the Content Policy.”

Google Plans to Penalize Sites That Overuse SEO Techniques

Google is planning to penalize sites that overuse search-engine-optimization techniques, a move it hopes to “level the playing field.”


So Google Hates You?

We've all heard another webmaster say something like, "Google hates me - I just know it

Joe D ·

Google Makes 40 Changes This Month to Improve Surfing

Google reports that it made 40 changes to its search quality this month, marking a monthly record.

Mobile Now a Core Component of Google's AdSense

Google is making mobile a core component of AdSense, the company’s lucrative engine for third-party websites to make money from Google ads.

Google to Penalize Sites Top-Heavy With Ads

Google will penalize websites with pages that are top-heavy with ads, the company said in a blog post this week.

SOPA/PIPA on Hold, Hollywood on Defensive

Responding to an up-swell of corporate and public outcry over the proposed legislation, lawmakers have postponed an upcoming vote on SOPA and PIPA.

'Porn' May Beat 'Christmas' as Most-Searched Holiday Term

For the last seven years “Christmas” has won out over “porn” as the most searched term during the holiday season.

Google Invests in Asian Data Center to Manage Increasing Traffic

In order to manage the tremendous growth of Internet traffic in the Asia-Pacific region, Google has broken ground on a new data center in Singapore.

Chrome Is More Secure Than Rival Browsers, Study Says

A new study suggests that Chrome’s sandboxing and plug-in security features make it more secure than rival browsers Firefox and Internet Explorer.

Google's Chrome Grabs 2nd Place in Browser Wars

Google’s Chrome has grabbed second place behind Internet Explorer as the web’s most popular browser.

Google Offers Swiffy Flash to HTML5 Converter

For Flash-based content developers seeking to make the move to the latest standard, Google’s new Swiffy allows for Export to HTML5 with a single click.

Google Revamps iPad Search Tools

Search engine giant Google has announced the release of a significant redesign for its Google Search app for iPad.