Articles by Scott Rabinowitz


Online advertisers’ bill of rights…and responsibilities.

Now is the time to asset your right and know your responsibilities as part of the online ad buying equation and process! There are enough qualified, bona fide established sellers of online media and traffic campaigns to make the process of buying traffic on the adult web a vital piece of any marketing plan

Scott Rabinowitz ·

Professional satisfaction and pride in service

Do you derive professional satisfaction from your work, aka “job well done” thinking? Many in this industry have said that’s a strange question since many people work in adult for purely capitalist/financial reasons

Scott Rabinowitz ·

Google’s ruling on AdSense and adult

Disclaimer: this is a topic where for conventional business reasons, I have a definite bias

Scott Rabinowitz ·

Monetizing Traffic

2007 is here, and with its arrival there is no doubt that much thought is being given by virtually every adult firm and webmaster in the business as to how best to generate greater (and sustained) value from traffic assets.

Scott Rabinowitz ·

Tracking ROI

An interesting issue has come up recently regarding the popularity of the web 2 user- generated content sites and marketing opportunities: tracking performance of video content submissions when used for promotion, traffic generation and customer acquisition

Scott Rabinowitz ·

The growth of the male erotica market

In prior blog entries, I’ve spoken about the education we are collectively getting with regards to internet traffic and advertising trends on social networking and user generated content sharing web sites

Scott Rabinowitz ·

Humor in erotic Web advertising

OK, so as of late, I have been studying the traffic patterns and consumer behavior on user-generated/shared content networks

Scott Rabinowitz ·

Positive outlook for the New Year

Happy New Year’s to XBiz readers and the industry overall! Personally, the holidays were spent digging out from rocky mountain blizzards, a couple of times

Scott Rabinowitz ·

Odd bits about stats

Every year around this time, I always get an intellectually satisfying grin on my face when I think about unusual stats bits that materialize around major calendar events, such as observed holidays, etc

Scott Rabinowitz ·

Building for the present versus the future

Present versus future efforts has been an interesting topic to me for many years now, as it relates to adult internet firms

Scott Rabinowitz ·

Face time for a virtual industry

Happy Autumn

Scott Rabinowitz ·

Labor resources for marketing

Where do you spend your labor dollars related to the overall marketing and business growth of your pay sites? When you look around the industry, you can see different approaches to how best to spend money on business people to grow your business

Scott Rabinowitz ·

Customer value and your pain threshold

On a constant basis, I talk to industry peers about the effectiveness of their ad campaigns, focusing on financial return on investment

Scott Rabinowitz ·

Coping with the needs of stats junkies

OK, so like many of my friends and peers in this business, I confess to being a stats junkie

Scott Rabinowitz ·

Placing an overall value on the traffic you send

After numerous discussions with adult portal site operators and large private affiliates about this topic, I can’t help but to bring the issue out into the open

Scott Rabinowitz ·

Customer support experiences as an ad buyer

A few bits of commentary on the issue of getting customer support from actual humans when you buy internet adverting or traffic campaigns

Scott Rabinowitz ·

Turning on the Traffic

It has been a long summer in our industry. Between world events, national disasters and heavy-duty business issues such as 2257 and overall record-keeping compliance, everyone has had their hands full. These things are, of course, in addition to more standard concerns for adult Internet businesses, such as acquiring traffic, either to generate direct sales or to generate sales for sponsors and advertisers.

Scott Rabinowitz ·

Don't Cut Clients Short

High-tech, high touch — this is a concept first written about by John Naisbitt almost 20 years ago.

Scott Rabinowitz ·

How to Monetize Traffic

This year looks to be one of those focused years in which so many of us will be reviewing what we do well, what our businesses can do to grow or become more efficient, and finally to look in our own backyards for under or nonutilized assets to make these goals a reality.

Scott Rabinowitz ·