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Google's View Of SEO

It is quite clear what sort of things Google considers to be SEO, and it isn't anything to do with optimizing or, if it is, it's only on the fringe of optimizing.

PhilC ·

Why Google Should Embrace Ethical Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

At the outset, I want to stress that this article is not about unscrupulous search engine optimizers who mislead surfers by promoting web pages to the top of search results, only to automatically redirect them to completely off-topic pages and sites. By search engine optimizers, I mean those people who promote relevant web pages and sites to the top of relevant search results for relevant search terms. These constitute the vast majority of search engine optimizers. These are ethical SEOs (search engine optimizers), and are the SEOs referred to in this article.

PhilC ·

SEO vs. Keyword CPC

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Cost-Per-Click (CPC) keyword advertising are two different approaches for achieving the same purpose: to drive targeted traffic or sales leads to a web site.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

SEO Spam : "Doorway Pages"

Traditional Doorway Pages are web pages that have been created for the sole purpose of ranking highly in the search results for one or two searchterms, and are not normally an integral part of the website. If search engines didn't exist, neither would doorway pages.

PhilC ·

SEO Spam: "Auto-Redirecting"

Auto-Redirecting is the technique of automatically sending surfers to a different page. This installment of our SEO Spam guide will look at different ways of accomplishing this useful technique:

PhilC ·

SEO Spam: The Facts About Cloaking

Cloaking is the technique of returning different pages according to who or what is requesting them; e.g. a surfer would receive the actual page whereas a search engine spider would receive a different page, but would assume that it is the actual page that surfers see. Here's a look at some of the details:

PhilC ·

SEO Spam: The Facts

There is a lot of talk as to whether or not certain search engine optimization techniques and methods are ethical. In this series of short articles, PhilC will discuss each of the 'questionable' techniques and demonstrate that none of them are intrinsically unethical, and therefore, none of them are intrinsically wrong


SEO Copywriting

SEO Copywriting is the technique of writing the viewable text on a Web page in such a way that it reads well for the surfer, and also targets specific search terms

PhilC ·