
News & Articles
498 results:

TheXSector Officially Open for Business

Webmaster tool The X Sector is officially open for business online.

Adam & Eve Hold Open Casting Call

Adam & Eve Pictures will hold an open casting call at its offices March 6 at 10 a.m. seeking new female talent to star in its upcoming big-budget feature, “Eden.” Daniel Dakota has been tapped to direct the movie, which begins shooting in Hawaii in mid-April.

Adultcon Awards Open Nomination Period

Live Entertainment, the company that produces Adultcon, a biannual show for fans and aficionados of adult entertainment, has opened the nomination period for its newly launched industry awards show — the Adultcon Awards.

Adultcon Awards Open to Male Talent

The organizers of the Adultcon Awards show have opened the nomination process up to include male, as well as female, talent.

European Commission Endorses Open Source

Proponents of open source software got a major boost recently when the European Commission gave its endorsement to Linux and other related software.

U.S. Can Open Mail Without Search Warrant

Although the White House denies any change in policy, a signing statement attached to postal legislation could allow the government to open first-class letters without a warrant, some experts said.

Triple X Articles Starts Open Forum

Triple X Articles was started to fill a void in the article space and has now created a community for writers, web publishers and visitors. Anyone can post articles and stories, including links to other sites.

U.S. Judge Allows Love Shack to Stay Open

A federal judge this week found adult video store Love Shack in contempt, but its owner declared victory. The judge suspended enforcement of the $1,000-per-day fine included in the order, until end of day Friday.

TightFit Holds Open House

TightFit Studios will hold a private party for producers, directors and talent to showcase its new production facility.

XBIZ Awards Nominations Now Open

The nomination process for the 5th Annual XBIZ Awards is officially underway. Industry professionals can submit their nomination for companies that offer business products of excellence through the official submission form.


Open bar at the Van Halen place

Prior to Saturday night, the last time I stood in the parking lot of L

Gram Ponante ·

Open Source Initiative Report Released

After numerous delays, the Open Source Initiative report on open source licenses has been released, with the agreements broken down into three broad categories and no rankings beyond that.

Open DRM Law Gets Scuttled in France

A controversial copyright law, which would have cracked open digital rights management and allowed interoperability between competing Apple and Microsoft music players has been dealt a major blow, as important sections of the legislation have been declared unconstitutional.

Google to Host Open Source Projects

Google open source engineer and Chairman of the Apache Software Foundation Greg Stein is expected to announce that Google will provide hosting for open source projects on Google code at the O’Reilly Open Source Convention.


Ohloh Launches Open Source Directory

Like most working webmasters, I’m a tremendous fan of Open Source software that enables inexpensive, customizable (and often free) solutions to many of the issues we face on a daily basis, such as content management, gallery building, community building and more

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

French Lawmakers Crack Open DRM

With a show of hands, a vote by French lawmakers could dramatically reshape the use of digital rights management (DRM) technology worldwide.

Patent Lawsuit Could Kill Open Source

Users of open source code may no longer be immune from patent infringement cases if a suit filed by Delaware-based FireStar Software against Raleigh, N.C.-based Linux distributor Red Hat goes the way many patent experts think it might.

House Passes Bill to Open Cable Markets

The pool of cable providers may get larger after House lawmakers took a step toward rewriting laws that would allow phone companies to bypass local governments when seeking to offer pay TV service. The news could substantially help adult entertainment networks.

RedLightCenter Says It Expects to Open 500 Virtual Stores announced Thursday at the Sex In Video Games Conference in San Francisco that it expects to open more than 500 adult entertainment stores on the site, with the first 50 stores going on sale June 14 at a promotional price of $50.

ICM Industry Reservation Now Open, FSC Dubious

ICM Registry, which lost its bid to obtain the ICANN Board’s support for the .XXX sponsored top-level-domain, said that response to its “industry reservation” period has been “staggering,” but the Free Speech Coalition does not see registration as tantamount to support.