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Eldorado Runs 'Ladies Night Out' Social Media Promotion

Colorado-based adult distributor Eldorado is currently running its March Facebook promotion, Ladies Night Out.


Keeping Pace With The Evolving Market Spells ‘Success’ For Distributors

Change is hard to accept. It means adjustment. Shifting. Re-organization. Cost. And that can be jarring and, in turn, a big headache when you’re comfortably set in your ways as a business and, supposedly, operating a tight ship that’s, one would think, running a smooth course.

Alexander Poe ·

Eldorado Now Distributing Passionate Playground's Joyboxx

Distributor Eldorado is partnering with Joyboxx by Passionate Playground to bring customers the signature adult toy storage system.


How to Use Event Marketing to Drum Up Profits

Successful retailers are always looking for cost-effective ways to find new customers for their store or website. Sales and specials are great, but are they the most effective method of ensuring long-term, repeat clientele? Event marketing is an extremely cost-effective method of creating your own memorable, branded experience for new customers.

Brian Sofer ·

Eldorado Facebook Promotion Offering VIP Trip to Spring ILS

Eldorado announced that it is offering customers and fans a VIP trip to the spring ILS show in March.


Retail: Fifty Shades of Anticipation

Retailers are in a unique position of having both the marketing support of major manufacturers and the ability to develop custom promotions specifically for their own customers. The upcoming Fifty Shades of Grey movie release provide several opportunities for business owners to take advantage of both these marketing and promotional avenues.

Brian Sofer ·

Who Are Your Retail Customers? Exploring the Benefits of User Data

It’s very easy to get caught up in the steady flow of incorrect assumptions our own industry sometimes makes when it comes to pleasure shoppers. However, there’s good news – assumptions are not necessary, so let’s all stop making them.

Brian Sofer ·

Eldorado Now Distributing Hustler Toys' Silicone Butt Plug Line

Hustler Toys announced that the All About Anal collection of seamless silicone butt plugs is now available from Denver-based veteran distributor, Eldorado.

Svakom Products Available at Eldorado

Distributor Eldorado has teamed up with international sex toy manufacturer, Svakom, to distribute its line of pleasure products.


Dynamic Retail Marketing: The Whole Package

If you’re an adult brand in a heavily saturated and competitive marketplace, what’s more important than making your products stand out from the rest?

Brian Sofer ·

Eldorado’s Brian Sofer, Brian Howlett Receive Nominations for 2015 XBIZ Exec Awards

Eldorado on Tuesday announced that it has been nominated for two 2015 XBIZ Awards and two of its marketing pros have received nominations for the 2015 XBIZ Exec Awards.

Eldorado, Megan Andelloux Team Up for Customer Education

Eldorado is teaming up with Megan Andelloux, founder and executive director of the Center for Sexual Pleasure and Health, to bring Eldorado customers more retail and customer education opportunities for 2015.


Pleasure Products: Manufacturing the Message or Retailing the Brand?

During my extensive eavesdropping at July’s ANME, I couldn’t help but overhear two novelty heavies engaged in an intense and spirited conversation. Spit was flying as the heated debate roiled. What is the answer to the age-old industry question: Who is responsible for driving the brand message – the manufacturer or the retailer?

Brian Sofer ·

Sell Your Story: Brand Identity and Long-Term Success

Whether you’re a retailer, a manufacturer, a web store, or a distributor; selling your brand is essential for success. Telling a brand story is basically using marketing to generate that company image you want tattooed to the minds of your customers.

Brian Sofer ·

Eldorado Unveils 'All The Best Brochure'

Eldorado on Friday announced the release of the 2014 All the Best Brochure.

Eldorado Named Exclusive Distributor of Shirley of Hollywood

Eldorado has struck a deal with leading lingerie manufacturer Shirley of Hollywood for exclusive distribution of its hanging lingerie line.

Eldorado Gearing Up for Fall ILS Show

Eldorado today announced that it is gearing up for the Fall 2014 International Lingerie Show (ILS) being held at the Rio Hotel in Las Vegas from Sept.15-17.

Eldorado Now Distributing We-Vibe 4 Plus

Eldorado announces that it now has the We-Vibe 4 Plus in stock.


A Conversation With Eldorado's Industry Vet Jeff Waterstreet

Eldorado sales guru Jeff Waterstreet is beloved and respected by retailers, manufacturers and distributors alike. Waterstreet joined the Colorado-based company back in 1976 and shows no signs of slowing down. Recently we caught up with the sales veteran to discuss the pleasure products business.

Brian Sofer ·

Show Off Your Package: Win Sales With Product Bundles

Packages, bundles, gift bags, getaway kits — call them what you want, but grouping complementary products is an effective and inexpensive way to boost sales and cross-promote your inventory. Bundling products also makes the shopping experience much easier for the customer, especially first-time buyers.

Brian Sofer ·