The three-hour “fine tuning” class was developed by Garrett Glaser of Glaser Media, which Glaser founded after two decades working in the mainstream media as a print, radio and TV reporter for ABC New York, NBC L.A., CNBC and Entertainment Tonight.
Glaser said it’s crucial now more than ever to be able to eloquently and effectively convey messages during mainstream media interviews, as there’s less and less time given to subjects to respond in interviews — especially when hosted by hostile or biased reporters.
“[A recent blog] talked about how several industry folk were invited on to a TV talk show but didn't manage to get out what they wanted to say,” Glaser told XBIZ. “So, I said to myself, ‘It's time.’ I've been teaching the big boys of Wall Street for four years — it's time the adult industry enjoy equal footing.”
Glaser said now that most consumers rely on the Internet for most of their news, networks are aware that sex- and adult-related stories guarantee ratings, and are some of the few pieces of news content the public actually makes a point to sit down and watch.
“If the downside of increased awareness of the industry is unfair treatment in the press, the upside is that all the articles, radio, TV and webcasts are generating a profound new awareness of the business of sex,” Glaser said. “The world is full of new opportunities for industry people.”
But knowing that, it’s essential that the industry figures featured in these news segments are able to get their points across in 15 seconds or less, and to be prepared to handle some less-than-pleasant interviews.
Glaser instructs his current clients — many of whom are from Fortune 100 companies — not to let their egos drive the interviews, and gives them tips for how to take control of the interview and prevent the host from seizing the reigns.
“In many cases, there's substantial ego involvement,” Glaser said. “So I made the decision to characterize what we do as ‘fine tuning’ rather than ‘teaching.’ When I have a difficult client who walks in with a chip on his/her shoulder, I play "Interview" with them. I walk up to them as a reporter and start firing nasty questions at them. That's all I've ever needed to do. They're sold.”
The first 30 minutes of the session is spent explaining how mainstream media works to ensure the client has a clear understanding of what he or she is getting into when working with the press. Then role-playing scenarios help train the client how to handle various interview situations effectively and correctly.
“We prepare students for the kinds of questions they'll face and then, together, we work on the answers they'll need to have ready,” Glaser said.
“Example No. 1: A local news crew walks into a sex shop with cameras rolling for a ‘special report.’ Store clerk freaks out and shouts for them to get out. Wrong move. Example No. 2: Hostile TV host links pornography to violent crime or moral issues. Attacks the sex industry guests with him on the set. Those guests need to have a comeback. They need a 15-second message that answers the question calmly but forcefully.”
Glaser said these sessions traditionally are scheduled by an organization that hires the team to teach at its headquarters, but keeping in mind the current economic state, he is in the process of scheduling sessions for public attendance in Los Angeles and New York.
"We are in a world today with 24-hour news cycles,” he said. “Adult industry professionals are increasingly called on by the news media to take part in interviews and appear on talk shows. It's crucial that industry folk be prepared for hostile interviewers and fellow guests. The anti-sex forces are well funded and well trained on messaging and delivery. Why should adult industry leaders and performers be any different?"
For more information, email Glaser directly at