War On Porn

News & Articles
671 results:

5th Circuit Hears Arguments in Texas Age Verification Challenge

A three-judge panel of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday heard arguments regarding the injunction against enforcement of Texas’ controversial age verification law, which mandates that adult websites post anti-porn propaganda.

Judge Partially Dismisses FSC Lawsuit to Stop Louisiana Age Verification Law

A federal judge has granted a motion by Louisiana officials to dismiss part of the lawsuit filed by Free Speech Coalition (FSC) and other plaintiffs seeking to block that state’s age verification law.

Democratic NC Governor Signs Copycat Age Verification Bill Into Law

Democratic governor of North Carolina Roy Cooper ignored the arguments of free speech advocates and signed into law on Monday a bill mandating age verification on adult websites.

North Dakota Republican Calls for Total Criminalization of Adult Content

A North Dakota Republican lawmaker took to Twitter over the weekend to call for the total criminalization of adult content and for all politicians to submit to “the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Conservative AGs Send Letter to Aylo About Supposed Moderation 'Loophole'

South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, along with 25 other attorneys general largely from Republican-controlled states, sent an open letter to Pornhub parent company Aylo on Friday demanding the company address a supposed “loophole” that could allow users to post CSAM.

FSC Calls on North Carolina Governor to Veto Age-Verification Bill

Free Speech Coalition (FSC) has sent a letter to North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, asking him to veto House Bill 8, to which a Republican legislator attached a copycat age-verification amendment.

Leading Free Speech Groups File Brief Blasting Texas' Age Verification and Mandatory Labeling Law

Several leading free-speech groups, led by the ACLU, urged the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit on Thursday to block the Texas age verification law that requires adult websites to post anti-porn propaganda, contending that this violates the First Amendment.

French Government Report Urges Criminalization of Adult Industry

A sensationalistic report released this week by a French government office is urging immediate state censorship and broad criminalization of the adult industry in France and worldwide.

New Report Warns Against 'Rising Tide' of Conservative Censorship

A new report published last week by the Chamber of Progress, a U.S. trade group representing many of the leading technology companies, issued an urgent warning against the “rising red tide” of digital censorship promoted by conservatives.

Maggie MacDonald's New Video Demystifies the Adult Platform Business

Information technology researcher Maggie MacDonald released a video Friday explaining “how content creation, algorithms, media amplification and panicky policy have shaped how porn looks today.”

North Carolina Republican Sneaks Copycat Age Verification Amendment Into Unrelated Bill

The North Carolina Senate voted unanimously Thursday to mandate age verification on adult websites, after a Republican senator snuck a copycat amendment mirroring other states’ requirements into an unrelated bill.

Cryptic 5th Circuit Decision Throws Texas Age Verification Controversy Into Chaos

A three-judge panel of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday issued an administrative stay of the injunction against enforcement of Texas’ controversial age verification law, which mandates that adult websites post anti-porn propaganda.

Conservative Crusader Reveals Plan to Use Civil Lawsuits to Ban Adult Content Online

The leader of the American Principles Project (APP), a well-funded, anti-porn conservative lobby, said Wednesday that the ultimate aim of the age verification laws currently being passed in various states is to create a private right of action, so that parents could directly sue online companies if their children are able to access adult content.

Court Blocks California's Controversial 'Age-Appropriate Design Code Act'

A federal judge on Monday issued an injunction blocking the California attorney general from enforcing the controversial California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act (CAADCA), which was passed last year after lobbying from a British baroness.

UK Parliament Passes Controversial 'Online Safety Bill'

The U.K. Parliament on Tuesday passed the much-delayed Online Safety Bill, despite vocal criticisms by virtually all digital rights and free speech organizations and advocates.

Bias in Banking: How FSC Is Leading the Charge in Fight for Fairness

Ask most people what they remember about the 1997 film “Boogie Nights,” and they’ll probably recall Heather Graham dancing around as Rollergirl, or the infamous pool party, or Mark Wahlberg finally — spoiler alert — unveiling his prosthetic penis.

Italian Government Pulls Back on Controversial Anti-Porn Language in 'Youth Crime' Bill

The far-right administration of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has reportedly pulled back from anti-porn language that had been inserted into a controversial “youth crime” executive order, which was fast-tracked after the media sensationalized specific incidents of sexual assaults.

Pittsburgh's Largest Newspaper Calls for State Regulation of Adult Content

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the city’s largest newspaper, published an editorial Thursday calling for state intervention to “shield kids from online porn.”

UK Government Poised to Restrict Adult Content Through Controversial 'Online Safety Bill'

The U.K.’s much delayed Online Safety Bill appears to be heading toward implementation after last-minute negotiations in the House of Lords, despite vocal criticisms by virtually all digital rights and free speech organizations and advocates.

Impeachment Trial Begins for Disgraced Anti-Porn Texas AG Ken Paxton

The impeachment trial of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a staunch anti-porn Republican culture warrior, began Tuesday in the state Senate, probing allegations of “bribery, unfitness for office and abuse of public trust.”