Sex Workers

News & Articles
127 results:

Twitter’s Shadow Ban Silences Sex Workers

When I found out that nude footage of me in a VR video project had screened at Austin’s South by Southwest without my consent, I had to make a decision made by many women in the last year about going public with a #MeToo moment.

Liara Roux ·

Phone Sex Book Available for Free to Sex Workers

In response to the recent laws passed regarding the sex industry, Amberly Rothfield has decided to make available her blueprint on making $10,000-a-month as a phone sex operator for free in digital form to all sex workers.

Brett Rossi Talks Bias Against Sex Workers

Adult performer and stand-up comedian Brett Rossi has written a new piece for VICE’s Broadly imprint, “When Will Sex Workers Get Our #MeToo Moment?”

Ginger Banks, Sex Workers Unite to Berate Bernie Sanders Over SESTA

Camming sensation and sex worker advocate Ginger Banks has produced a heartfelt video message for Senator Bernie Sanders, entitled, “Message to Bernie Sanders from Sex Workers,” opposing the FOSTA/SESTA bills he supported.

ESPLER Project Says SB 1204 Puts Lives of Sex Workers at Risk

The ESPLER Project (Erotic Service Providers Legal, Education and Research Project) issued a statement today opposing California Senate Bill 1024, which was proposed by state Sen. Pat Bates.

Sex Workers Fight Back Against SESTA With Switter

As the sun sets on online freedoms, sex workers of all kinds — including adult performers — are quietly and swiftly being silenced on social media. Rightfully they’re fed up, and instead of sitting back and taking it, SWers are doing what they have done for centuries and taking their careers by the reins. The new website Switter, a portmanteau of “sex worker” and “Twitter,” began making waves in the community this week, an alternative social network that’s created by, and for, sex workers.

Kelli Provocateur Represents Sex Workers at Las Vegas Women's March

Kelli Provocateur attended the 2018 Women’s March, representing sex workers by holding up a sign that read, “I Am a Sex Worker and I Am Allowed to be Here.”

Sex Workers to Continue Challenge of Calif. Prostitution Law

Counsel for the ESPLER Project have vowed to ask for a rehearing in an appellate case decided last week that upheld the constitutionality of California’s prostitution statute.

ESPLERP: Dec. 17 Is International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers

The Erotic Service Providers Legal Education and Research Project (ESPLERP) has announced it is joining sex workers, activists, allies and advocates from around the world in observing the International Day to End Violence against Sex Workers on Dec. 17.

Sex Workers Oppose CDA Amendment

The Erotic Service Providers Legal Education and Research Project (ESPLERP), has announced its condemnation of a draft bill circulating through Congress, which undercuts Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) in the name of preventing sex trafficking.

Study: Sex Workers Earn More With a College Degree

A recent study concludes that there are financial benefits of a college education even for sex workers.

HuffPo: Angie Rowntree Talks Sex Workers' Rights, Women's March

As the "Women's March on Washington" inspired millions of protesters nationwide to advocate for a diverse array of progressive issues, making their voices heard by the new presidential administration, founder Angie Rowntree penned a Huffington Post article calling for better inclusion of sex workers rights.

Sex Workers to Protest in Front of Calif. High Court Next Week

Next week, sex worker organizations will be marching over the closure of online sites that offer classified advertising for sexual services.

Vancouver, B.C., Sex Workers Honored With Memorial

On Friday, a crowd of about 100 gathered outside Vancouver’s St. Paul’s Anglican Church to unveil a lamppost with a red bulb in tribute to sex workers who plied their trade up until the early 1980s when they were chased out by authorities after a new statute took effect.

Rodney Moore Releases Music Video for Sex Workers Anthem

Director Rodney Moore has announced the release of a new video for his song “Freedom Isn’t Free,”

Alaska Sex Workers Support Immunity Bill

Alaska Senate Bill 21, introduced by Senate Minority Leader Berta Gardner D-Anchorage last year, has been updated with language the sex trade of Alaska now supports.

Bunny Ranch Sex Workers Back Clinton, Launch Support Site

Prostitutes at Dennis Hof’s Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Carson City, Nev., are banding together to announce their support of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.

Bay Area Sex Workers to Hold Presser, Rally Tomorrow

Tomorrow, sex worker groups from around the Bay Area will convene for a press conference and rally outside the federal courthouse in Oakland, Calif.

Optimism Prevails in Sex Workers' Calif. Challenge

Sex workers and their supporters looking forward to their day in court will have to wait a little longer, ESPLER Project president Maxine Doogan said in an announcement this morning.