
Golden Girl: CAM4 Brand Ambassador Charlotte Stokely Is the Whole Package

Golden Girl: CAM4 Brand Ambassador Charlotte Stokely Is the Whole Package

Charlotte Stokely glides across the room wearing her stylish green bikini and belly chains and tells me that we should do this interview before she gets wet.

“Because after I get wet, it’s gonna be harder,” she says with that million-dollar smile, pauses for effect, and then adds, “to do the interview.”

It’s Sunday evening and we are at a spacious loft rented to photographers near Los Angeles’ Skid Row, a familiar Southern Californian location for professional shoots. The loft has been reserved by Gwen Coleman, powerhouse platform CAM4’s program manager for content, who’s flying from Toronto to personally oversee the photos introducing Stokely, porn’s golden girl of G/G, as their new brand ambassador.

“I love getting wet,” Stokely keeps going, “though it does make everything messier.”

The makeup artist overhearing this cracks up. “C’mon Charlotte, finish the interview with XBIZ so we can get your hair wet for the wet-look photos.”

Stokely winks. The effect is totally disarming. With her 1970s Farrah Fawcett blonde hairdo, the whiter shade of pale that is her trademark complexion and wearing a very, very expensive bikini and belly chains, Stokely is in full control of the power of her beauty and of her intelligence. The double-entendre about getting wet has in-built quotation marks. She has that Marilyn thing down — the breathtaking looks reel you in, and while you’re busy peeling the layers of the self-aware, almost self-deprecating sexpot banter, you’re hooked by the whole package.

Because Charlotte Stokely is the whole package.

“We are focused on expanding our ambassador program and giving industry stars like Charlotte Stokely another platform to shine,” Coleman of CAM4 says. “We continue to rise. Charlotte is thriving in adult entertainment and nothing about that is surprising: she’s incredibly beautiful, talented and knows how to engage with her fans. She’s a perfect fit for CAM4.”

Stokely is joined at the Downtown L.A. shoot by Romi Rain, her close friend and the first adult performer superstar to join CAM4’s revamped brand ambassador program.

“Romi has opened up a lot of doors with us,” Coleman continues, “connecting us with her network. We have so many performers reaching to us now. And we’ve just launched our podcast, ‘A Mouthful with Romi and Laura,’ featuring Laura Desiree.”

The company is stockpiling images for themed promos around holidays like the 4th of July. Rain and Stokely wear one-pieces: the dark brunette a white one with an American flag right below her world-famous cleavage, and the pale blonde a retro suit entirely covered in stars and stripes.

“How do I salute?” Stokely asks someone behind the camera who served in the military. She touches her forehead with four fingertips. The effect is as American as apple pie, Bettie Grable pinups, “Happy Birthday Mr. President” and naughty centerfolds.

After Rain leaves with an enormous bouquet of fresh roses (it’s her birthday), it’s time to shoot the St. Patrick’s Day promo. Stokely has brought in a superstylish, strappy dark forest green bikini that has very little to do with leprechauns and such. The shoot is done efficiently as a collaboration between two industry pros: lensman Chris Streams and Stokely, who has done the “over the shoulder, honey, that’s it” two-step once or twice before.

“That was beautiful. We got it. You can go get ready for the wet look,” says Streams, freeing Stokely up for our interview. She looks at me and starts dictating how she thinks I should begin this piece.

“Charlotte glides across the room wearing her stylish green bikini and belly chains…” she recites as she does exactly that and plops herself next to me on the loft couch.

“Why is she wearing 800-dollar shoes?” she continues dictating. “Why? Because it’s for St. Patrick’s Day! And I am the pot of gold.”

She points at her impeccably high-end shoes, which are, of course, gold.

“Today is Charlotte’s super-duper-awesome-special photo shoot to announce I am a CAM4 ambassador!” she finishes.

I ask her if she needs a robe.

She gets cozier and mocks being insulted, “Oh, c’mon — my body makes you nervous?”

“No,” I tell her, I thought it might be chilly.

She smiles that perfect smile seen in many of her pictures and seamlessly segues into spokesmodel mode.

“The February announcement of my CAM4 ambassadorship is perfect because February is the month of love, and I love ‘love,’ and I love the idea of being in love,” she says. “Being in love is one of the greatest feelings because it’s this sparkly fantasy of intimacy when two become one and you feel complete.”

“Charlotte, you’re quoting the Spice Girls now,” I protest, but she ignores my snark and continues with even more eagerness.

“The world runs on love, we need more love!” she says. “Being a CAM4 ambassador allows me to show that love to my fans, because now I’m webcamming, and I never — or rarely — webcam. It’s a great chance for my fans to connect with me on an intimate level and for us to connect with each other from far away.”

When CAM4 contacted Stokely, shortly after the success of their maiden experience with Romi Rain, the company stressed that they were impressed by her skills as both model and entrepreneur.

“They loved my brand and my marketing,” Stokely tells me with the self-assurance of someone who’s carefully crafted a winning persona in the hypercompetitive world of professional pretty girls.

“My brand is very sensual, romantic and soft and friendly,” she adds. “But I think the great thing about CAM4 is that it doesn’t have to be just that. Everyone can webcam on it, and everyone does! You wanna look at a guy jerking off? You can!”

“Is that what you’re into?” I ask her.

“Oh yeah,” she says with that big smile again, and she ain’t kidding. “It’s my guilty pleasure. And I’m a big tipper too!”For her fans, CAM4 also offers an opportunity for them to make special requests. “They can take me in private,” Stokely explains. “We can have a one-on-one show, or they can tell me if they wanna see me wear something that turns them on.”

“What I love is that it gives them a chance of directing their own little movie,” she says. “It’s really the perfect ‘Charlotte Stokely’ fantasy.”

“With customs, before, they couldn’t do this live. But on CAM4 is different — it’s interactive!”

As she says this, the music playing on set starts swelling up almost as if on cue. I ask the makeup artist, who's next to the speaker, what’s playing. She says she loves it too but doesn’t know what it is. “Charlotte is playing that from her phone,” she explains.

“It’s Massive Attack. A track called ‘Angel,’” Stokely tells us. Yeah — her music taste is also spot-on. I know. It’s not fair.

“One of my favorite things about being a CAM4 ambassador,” she continues nonchalantly, as I take note of the music and add it as a Spotify fave, “is that I can work from wherever I have a computer. CAM4 offers mobile camming — I can cam from my phones! I can do a road trip and cam from different places. I can go to Zion National Park or wherever, do cam shows outside, not just in my bedroom.”

“I wanna take people places,” she says, and explains that her work with the disabled (I told you — the complete package…) reminded her that “a lot a people who are sick can’t travel easily. I want to take people places.”

Something else Stokely likes about CAM4 is that the platform is also very model- and viewer-friendly. “It’s so easy,” she says. “I’ve cammed with Romi a few times over the years and she’s a pro, but even a relative newbie like me can just jump into it.”

Stokely’s hottest camming experience to date, which she hopes to top soon, was the fondly remembered night last January after she won 2019 XBIZ Girl/Girl Performer of the year. A night, which was repeated last month, as she was crowned with the coveted title a second time!

But harkening back to the first such win in 2019, Stokely says, “Romi and I booked a hotel room to switch it up, make it special. Camming doesn’t have to happen next to your laundry basket. And that night Romi and I did a champagne shower.” Blushing a tiny bit and fixing those deep pools of Charlotte Stokely irises on me, she adds, “It was very hot. Very. Hot.”

Now, I’m blushing too.

“When I’m on CAM4, I can say your name while you’re playing with your dick or stroking your pussy. And what’s hotter than that?”

The makeup artist breaks the spell. “Charlotte, are you done? We need to get you ready for the wet look.”

“You’re gonna make me soooo wet,” she tells the makeup artist, getting up from the couch and heading for the chair, smiling that billion-dollar smile.


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