
Seduction Techniques for Amazing Camming

Seduction Techniques for Amazing Camming

Working as a cam model has a lot to do with the art of seduction. How good you are in seducing your members will affect the amount of money you make.

Camming is not all about bringing out your favorite toy and going all crazy with it. It’s about building connections and making the members want more.

Drawing your members’ attention to your lips may get them to think about what it would be like to kiss them.

Some models are better at the art of seduction than others and many people will argue that seduction is something you have or you don’t, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Powerful seduction techniques can be used to entice members into private chat, help you get a bigger tip or even spice up your existing relationship.

So, what is seduction? Before we jump into some of my favorite techniques, let’s explain seduction. Seduction is a combination of factors. It’s the way you use your body with clothing and makeup, the way you use your voice when you speak with members, your flirting skills and your personality. Even though you might not be built like a famous actress, you can still be a master seducer.

It’s all about finding your own strong positives. That can be your humor, your curvy figure or just plain knowing how to cleverly interact with members. In this way, being seductive will vary from person to person and member to member, since you’re often going to be responding to what you read on the screen and what you personally know about a person.

There is a lot that can go into this topic, with everything from your clothes to your communication style and so on, but let’s start with the basics.


Although you are not on this planet to please anyone, smiling is always the first art of seduction. It shows that you’re in a good mood, that you’re having fun and it’s helpful in changing not only your own mood (if you’re feeling down), but others that see your smile. Do your best to leave the negative thoughts at home (even if you’re working from home). Those thoughts will not help you with being seductive.

When smiling, it’s important to look into the camera and make eye contact, but just for a few seconds, as you don’t want to come off creepy. Try playing around with a shy smile, and do a flattered smile when you receive compliments in the chat.

Dress to Impress

The first thing a member sees on a cam site is the thumbnails. From there, the member is giving you two, or a maximum of three, seconds to decide if they want to visit your room.

Appearance is a big factor in our society and we’re getting judged by it all the time, so if you want to impress your members, you should always look your best and highlight areas of your face and body. You need to dress for your own unique style and body. Having the right outfit will boost your confidence, and that will help you to be more seductive.

Wear Sexy Undergarments

Once the tokens start pouring like a rainy day, you will start to remove your outfit. But this is just unveiling your sexiest lingerie or undergarments that will tease the members even more. A model that looks confident in their underwear is key. Otherwise, discomfort will work against you. Even if it’s just a cute bra and panty set that you wear under your clothes, it should make you feel amazing!

Know How to Flirt

Some models are natural flirts, but there is still a lot to learn for most. It’s no surprise most guys like girls that are laid back and fun, rather than stiff or uptight. Laugh at their jokes, play along with their antics and go with the flow. Most guys want to be with someone with a good sense of humor, so make your own jokes and tease them a bit.

Flirting is all about the thrill of the chase and men really love this. Giving in too easily cuts the fun short, so once in awhile, make them work for your attention in the chat. Most guys crave what they can’t have, so don’t make yourself too available.

Drawing your members’ attention to your lips may get them to think about what it would be like to kiss them. There’s something very sensual about a woman gently biting her bottom lip, but don’t overdo it. You want it to look sexy or lustful.

Remember to smile, have fun and make eye contact with the camera.

Use Your Body Language

Body language is a powerful tool that you can use to your advantage. It can indicate your comfort or interest in someone. Off camera, it’s a bit easier to play with your body language when you can mirror the other person in real-life, but on camera it can be harder.

That said, there are still some tricks you can use, like leaning forward towards the camera to show your interest in the chat and giving a cleavage shot if you’re wearing a skimpy top.

Don’t cross your arms, as this is often looked at as a sign of not being interested. The same goes for turning your body away from the camera. These are some normal habits that may be hard to control, but it is essential to express positive and relaxed body language cues that members can pick up on.

So uncross your arms and legs, play with your hair and touch your mouth to make their eyes move towards your lips, helping to arouse their subconscious. Most importantly, have a good posture during the whole show.

Hold Off on Sexual Activity as Long as Possible

Depending on the cam site you’re on, we know most members are coming to your room because they want to see you naked. However, sometimes it’s good to hold back on this part as long as possible, especially when tips are not flowing in.

Teasing is super important and also, making the members work for it. If someone tipped you for showing your boobs, go ahead, their wish is your command, assuming the tip amount is within your price level, but as soon as the tipping stops, that shirt goes back on and your members need to chase you to get it back off again.

Be Mysterious

When you go online for the first time, you get a lot of questions from your members. It’s like being in any new relationship. However, you should always leave a little to the imagination. It can be about what you’re willing to do in the room, some skills you might have that you will bring out later or about your personal life.

By not oversharing, you will always bring your members back asking for more. This can be done by hinting at an idea, starting to tell an interesting story from your last trip or saying something sexual without telling the whole story. Your members will take the bait and will want you even more.

I know it sounds strange, but as I mentioned, being a little mysterious and maybe also playing hard-to-get has a very interesting effect on psychology. So keep this tip in your tool belt for sure.

Cultivate Common Interests

If you find yourself in a private chat where you have more time to get to know a member, try to find topics or things that you both are interested in. Even if he seems only interested in your persona, this should not be your common interest.

Common interests can bring you closer to a member and they can be anything from music to movies, TV shows or special fetishes.

If you don’t find anything in common, try to ask them to teach you about something they love. This will educate you on a topic that you can re-engage them with in future privates, or even other members.

Be Nerdy, Be Strange and Be Yourself

Telling a model to be herself is not the easiest thing. Often, when you go on cam, you kind of turn into this online persona under your alter ego cam name. But it’s actually very hot to see someone that is a bit nerdy or someone with a strange quirk. This just shows that you’re not afraid of being who you are.

Be proud of who you are, whether you’re totally into watching cartoons when you’re having breakfast or love Harry Potter and listen to Britney Spears. This is what sets you apart from other models on the site.

And with this, I wish you the best of luck and a lot of success seducing your members!

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