
News & Articles
24 results:

APAC Issues Statement on Performer Safety, Stigma and HIV

APAC, known officially as the Adult Performer Advocacy Committee, released a statement today on performer safety, stigma and HIV.

Magnus Sullivan Tackles Stigma of Masturbation in Book

Magnus Sullivan, editor of and co-owner of, has released a new book on the social stigma of male masturbation — “Better Than the Hand: How Masturbation Is the Key to Better Sex & Healthier Living.”

Hidden Fees, Stigma Hold Back SMS Billing in Adult, Mainstream

High fees and the usual resistance to adult entertainment are preventing text-message payment solutions from catching on in the mobile world.

2 NYC Lawsuits Stem From Stigma of Adult Content

Two lawsuits filed in Manhattan this month appear to be founded upon the notion that merely being associated with the production of adult content is damaging to the reputation and professional future of anyone accused of such an association.