Articles by Michael Bloch


Bandwidth, Bandwidth...

You've created the perfect site, it's elegant, it's slick, it has more bells and buzzers on it than the USS Enterprise. It's got Flash, Swish, Swoosh, Smash, Crash (you get the picture) – but will the index page load in under 20 seconds on a 33.6k connection?

Michael Bloch ·

Smart Tags and Scumware – An Update

There was a furor in 2001 regarding Microsoft's much maligned use of Smart Tags on the web and understandably so. For those of you who aren't aware of Smart Tags, one of the applications for them was to give companies

Michael Bloch ·

Hits, Uniques, and Page Views

Traffic is by far the most important commodity for adult Webmasters, and understanding the terms and techniques involved in measuring, managing, and manipulating traffic is a vital ingredient to your success. Newbies, in particular, can find the traffic learning process daunting

Michael Bloch ·