Nordic Model

News & Articles
6 results:

Spain's Government Fails in Attempt to Recriminalize, 'Abolish' Sex Work

Spain’s Socialist Party (PSOE) suffered a sound defeat on Tuesday in its attempt to recriminalize sex work in Spain, as a controversial bill promoted by Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s government failed to gain parliamentary support among the party’s ruling coalition allies.

SWERF Democrat, Christian Lobby Team Up to Push 'Age Verification' Law in Maine

Democratic State Rep. Lois Reckitt has teamed up with Maine’s Christian Civic League to propose a new “age verification” law, as that state’s version of the controversial legislation that religious Republicans have been promoting around the country in an effort to reinstitute obscenity prosecutions at the federal level.

Canadian Sex Workers Challenge Constitutionality of 'Nordic Model' Law

A coalition of sex workers and sex work advocacy groups is fighting in an Ontario court to have an anti-sex-work law repealed in Canada.

Sweden Threatens 'Mandatory Jail' for Clients of Sex Workers

The European Sex Worker Alliance (ESWA) is circulating a petition in solidarity with Swedish sex worker activists fighting a politically motivated attempt to require mandatory jail time for their clients.

New York Times Publishes Rare Op-Ed by a Sex Worker

The New York Times’ Opinion section, which under editor Kathleen Kingsbury has routinely foregrounded the voices of anti-porn activists, SWERFs and assorted sex-work deniers, yesterday published a rare op-ed penned by a sex worker.

NBC's 'Today Show' Two-Sides Sex Worker Rights Issue, Endorses 'Nordic Model'

NBC’s popular morning news show the "Today Show" featured a segment today two-siding the issue of sex worker rights between an advocate of full decriminalization — the position overwhelmingly supported by sex workers — and an abolition activist and advocate of the “Nordic Model” of eradication of sex work by criminalizating “pimps and johns.”