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Google to Allow 3rd Party Trademarks in AdWords Worldwide

Google is changing its policy on the use of trademarks used on AdWords, allowing advertisers to use rivals' trademarks in their ads worldwide.


Traffic: Unfriendly Search Algorithms May Increase

The last year has brought many significant changes to the way traffic is acquired and evaluated. In 2013 webmasters will be faced with an increasingly unfriendly search engine algorithm, the dangers of buying recycled traffic from an ecosystem that replicates clicks intentionally and unintentionally as well as much more direct competition from large well-funded companies. Many will not survive, but the rewards will likely be even greater for those who do.

Stewart Tongue ·

BaDoink Video Downloader Hits Google Play, iTunes App Store today announced that its BaDoink Video Downloader is now available in Google Play and in the iTunes App Store.


Malware Woes for Open Source App Distribution

As evolution impacts the mobile arena, malware threats and other factors are joining forces to cast a doubt on traditional Open Source Android apps and their free-for-all distribution channels that can lack substantial oversight and be rife with vulnerabilities.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

How Link Denial Affects Search Engine Rankings

Search engine algorithms are complicated creatures that ingest and analyze amazing amounts of information in an attempt to ensure that the best and most relevant websites rise to the top of the search site’s rankings.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Sunny Leone Tops Indian Google, Yahoo Most Searched Celebrity Lists

Adult star Sunny Leone’s Indian fame ticked up again as both Google and Yahoo ranked her as one of the country’s most searched celebrities.

Porn Becomes Harder to Find Using Google Image Search

Google has changed the way its search engine filters explicit results in Image Search.

Lisa Ann Ranks #43 on The 50 Most Popular Women on the Web, According to Google

Lisa Ann has scored number 43 on The 50 Most Popular Women on the Web (according to Google), as reported in


Google Is Like Pornography

While the comment is attributed to Wendy Schmidt, the wife of former Google Chairman Eric Schmidt, it puts forth her husband’s belief: “Google is like pornography.”

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Google: Tracking the Trends

They say you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. Well, what if you could find the horses that are already drinking, and you could gain control of the tap?

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Google's Penguin Smack Down Persists

For adult websites, traffic from Google is rapidly declining — and with it, revenues. While a generalization to be sure, it is no secret that the search giant’s ongoing algorithm changes, which began with the Farmer Update, aka Panda 1.0, on Feb. 24, 2011, have done considerable damage to many site’s traffic volumes.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Tackling Throughput With Analysis Tools

Website traffic analysis is not just about “how many people visited my site?” but about where they came from, how they found out about you, whether or not you satisfied their needs, how much you earned from them, and much more. It is a medical diagnosis of your website’s health, along with advice and tools for improving your patient’s vigor.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Fyre TV Launches Google TV Native Porn App

Fyre TV launched today the first native Android porn app for Google TV devices.


Google Keeps Webmasters on Their Toes

If you are responsible for driving search engine traffic to a website, you have no doubt heard about the ongoing changes coming from Google, which are causing operators to adapt in the face of confusion.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

AdultAppMart Now Compatible With Google Nexus 7 Tablet announced today that it is now fully compatible with Google’s Nexus 7 Android tablet.

Google Makes 3 Algorithm Changes Targeting Adult Content

Google has made 86 search-quality changes in the past few months, including three that specifically impact adult content searches.

Google: Sites With Too Many Takedown Notices Will Rank Lower

Sites that generate too many copyright takedown notices will be moved lower in search rankings starting next week, Google announced today.


Google+ for Business: Get in the +Game

Google+ is the latest of the large social networks boasting over 90 million users

Joe D ·

Google Taking Heat From Australian Sex Party Over Election Ads

Google’s getting heat from The Australian Sex Party after the search engine giant refused to run the group’s Melbourne federal election ads.

Google Analytics Goes Mobile

Among the most popular tools for measuring and marketing adult websites, Google Analytics is bringing its data crunching prowess to the mobile arena.