News & Articles
5 results:

OpenAI Shuts Down AI-Generated Porn Rumors

A spokesperson for OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, has shut down online chatter about how a rumored relaxation of the company’s stance against AI-generated NSFW content may result in a lifting of its porn ban.


The Perils of Relying on ChatGPT for Legal Advice

It surprised me how many people admitted that they had used ChatGPT or similar services either to draft legal documents or to provide legal advice. “Surprised” is probably an understatement of my reaction to learning about this, as “horrified” more accurately describes my emotional response.

Corey D. Silverstein ·

Cloud Climax Releases ChatGPT-Powered 'Alice' Doll

Cloud Climax has released its new ChatGPT-powered conversational doll, Alice.

Lovense Introduces ChatGPT 'Pleasure Companion'

Lovense has introduced a new AI feature in its Remote App — the Advanced Lovense ChatGPT Pleasure Companion.

Lovense Debuts AI 'Pleasure Companion' Feature Powered by ChatGPT

Lovense has introduced a new “pleasure companion” feature integrated with OpenAI’s ChatGPT API.