
News & Articles
72 results:

Cryptocurrency In Adult, Some Companies Remain Skeptical

The merits of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies (also known as “digital currencies” or “alternative currencies”) have been an ongoing debate in the adult entertainment industry in 2015.

Alex Henderson ·

Coinsnap Offering Bitcoin Payment

Coinsnap announced that it now offers bitcoin payment for all adult content and service providers. Adds Bitcoin Payment Option, a platform for building subscription-based video download shops, has announced its integration of Bitcoin as its newest payment option.


Alternative Payments Overcome Obstacles

The alternative payments market is becoming a bit of a misnomer because many aspects of what used to be considered “alternatives” are now being absorbed into the heart of mainstream payment services. Aspects of paperless check transactions, online verification methods and geo-targeting were once the hallmark of people trying to think differently about payment processing and like most great ideas they eventually evolve their way into commonly accepted business practices and after a while the former alternatives are now the marketplace norms or best practices.

Stewart Tongue ·

Skubit Launches Bitcoin-Based Digital Comics App

Skubit is set to launch its Skubit Comics app this weekend, unveiling the Skubit in-app library, which allows users to anonymously purchase comics (and other content) online. Reports 5% of Sales Coming from Bitcoin Users

A year after the company began accepting Bitcoin, is reporting that it accounts for roughly five percent of all sales at the adult entertainment company’s flagship site.


Cryptocurrency Questions Are Finally Being Answered

Early in the news cycle for cryptocurrency, Bitcoin dominated all the headlines, before a series of catastrophic events tainted the brand in the minds of many consumers and potential investors.

Stewart Tongue ·

Bacchus Entertainment Launched as '1st Bitcoin-Only Website'

Niche indie content producer Bacchus Entertainment has launched claiming it’s the world’s first bitcoin-only adult membership website.

Microsoft Begins Accepting Bitcoin

In a big boost to Bitcoin barons, Microsoft has announced that consumers may now exchange Bitcoins for the company’s apps and games for Windows, Windows Phone and Xbox.

PayPal Begins Embracing Bitcoin

The mainstreaming of cryptocurrency Bitcoin continues with the news that PayPal is now embracing the upstart payment mechanism.

NiteTimeToys Now Accepts Bitcoin

NiteTimeToys has announced its acceptance of Bitcoin payments for its full range of sexual health products.

Hustler Gives Memberships for Bitcoin, Litecoin and Dogecoin

Leading adult entertainment website,, has announced its partnership with digital currency payment processor, GoCoin.


Hackers Set Sights on Bitcoin-Stealing Malware

As if the world of bitcoin and its copycats was not cloudy enough, criminal hackers are now targeting bitcoin and other cryptocurrency users via malware injections that can (and have) resulted in the loss of the user’s coins.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Despite Security Scare, Adult Companies Add Bitcoin

Earlier this year, the digital cryptocurrency bitcoin received some negative publicity when Tokyo-based Mt. Gox (which was once the world’s largest bitcoin exchange) filed for bankruptcy. No less than $460 million had disappeared from Mt. Gox, presumably stolen by hackers.

Alex Henderson ·

What Regulators Are Saying About Bitcoin

Bitcoin has certainly been an interesting phenomenon to watch over the last few weeks. We’ve had bankruptcies, suicides, arrests, thefts, marketing, adoption by retailers, potential identification of the creator and discussions at all levels of government. It seems this recent interval has contained all the makings of a good mini-series.

Melody L ·

Flirt4Free Now Accepts Bitcoin Payments

Flirt4Free announced Monday it has given its customers the ability to buy credits using Bitcoin.

Mt. Gox Edges Towards Liquidation

Mt. Gox, the Tokyo-based bitcoin exchange that suddenly declared bankruptcy in February after allegedly losing about half a billion dollars to hackers, signaled in a recent announcement that it will most likely proceed to liquidation.

Chaturbate Now Accepting Bitcoin has begun accepting bitcoin as a form of payment.

Mt. Gox Asks Japanese Police for Help

Mt. Gox announced today that it has asked Japanese police for advice on what do about the 750,000 bitcoins — worth roughly half a billion dollars — that they claim were stolen by hackers.

Is Dogecoin Horning in on Bitcoin for Porn Payments?

Dodgecoin, a new cryptocurrency, may be horning in on bitcoin as a more “lighthearted” alternate digital means to pay for porn sites.