
Q&A: XBIZ Best Cam Duo Pablo, Sebas Cortés Thrive

Q&A: XBIZ Best Cam Duo Pablo, Sebas Cortés Thrive

The reigning 2021 XBIZ Best Cam Model Duo, Pablo and Sebas Cortés, first met in 2019 through TikTok. They soon discovered they both lived in Spain a mere 140 miles away from each other in different cities.

“After following one another on social media, liking posts and chatting daily, we decided to plan our first in-person date,” Pablo shared.

Our work allows us to have a lot of free time. When we aren’t streaming or filming, we love lying on the couch at home, ordering food and watching Netflix.

“So, Sebas traveled to Gran Canaria to see me, and since then, we haven’t separated,” he added. “Officially, six months after our meeting, we got married, and we are still very much in love with each other like the first day.”

Then, one day, as they were resting at home watching TV, the adventurous couple decided to give camming a try. After logging onto a computer and signing up for CAM4, they jumped in head first.

“Neither of us had knowledge of how this platform worked, but we decided to broadcast anyhow,” they explained. “In the beginning, we were lost, but the help of our viewers proved essential. They explained to us how the site works and we are very grateful for them!”

After a pleasant first foray, they did not expect to make much money. Yet they realized very quickly what a profit they had raked in, and by the next day, they ranked in the top three most-viewed cam rooms on CAM4.

“As the days went by, we both learned how to control and better run our room,” they said. “In addition, we learned to interact with users and set new goals to generate more income. A month later, we appreciated the benefits of our time at CAM4 and decided to quit our mainstream jobs to dedicate ourselves fully as cam models and adult content creators. We enjoy what we are doing and love being our own bosses.”

Now, their fortune and fame is on the rise, with a healthy mix of camming, video content and premium social media. With tens of thousands of likes and followers across several platforms, they are just getting started and picking up steam fast. Step behind the curtain with the dynamic duo in this exclusive Cam Star of the Month interview.

XBIZ: Discuss the ways you balance your professional and personal relationships.

CORTÉS: Our personal life hasn’t changed much. We are like any couple of our age. In other words, when we are not working, we are still Pablo and Sebas, a couple enjoying their personal space. Professionally, we are both very committed to our endeavor. Of course, we have the luxury of flexible working hours, but we try to have days off and an organized work schedule. We have vacations, like everyone who works in an office.

XBIZ: What other revenues do you pursue, besides camming?

CORTÉS: We are adult content creators, cam models and social media influencers. However, camming has proven most lucrative for us.

We have also improved our income by doing projects with different companies, promoting their products or brands on our social network. We also work making recordings with film studios for adults and offer services on other websites, where you can buy or rent out all kinds of content.

We have also ventured into OnlyFans. Our followers are subscribed to a monthly plan and have access to all our exclusive content. At the same time, we do different live shows on there. Finally, we have a free chat room for fans available.

All in all, we are continually testing various business models to improve our entrepreneurial skills.

XBIZ: How do you divide business responsibilities among yourselves?

CORTÉS: We have a team that helps us keep our business organized, including a manager and a publicist. They are essential to handling our day-to-day business, taking care of planning and communications. We work as a team, committed to open discussion of ideas, making improvements and attending to every detail.

However, our social media presence is something very personal. We like to manage that directly and answer our followers personally. Also, as a couple and as entrepreneurs, we have realized the best way to work is as a cohesive team; that’s why we sit at the computer with an outlined agenda every morning to make a list of tasks, then complete each during the day.

XBIZ: When you are not working, what are your favorite hobbies?

CORTÉS: Our work allows us to have a lot of free time. When we aren’t streaming or filming, we love lying on the couch at home, ordering food and watching Netflix. We also take advantage of the morning to exercise and tan on the beach. Also, we love to travel and whenever we can we take a trip. Of course, on weekends we like to relax, read books or enjoy our time as a couple in our favorite hotels on the island of Gran Canaria in Spain.

XBIZ: Which platform do you like camming on the most and why?

CORTÉS: We are super happy with CAM4, which is the only platform that we’ve been broadcasting non-stop on since starting in the biz. CAM4 is a 100% secure platform online, where we feel very comfortable doing our shows. Also, technical support always helps us fast, 24 hours a day in case of any issues.

CAM4’s online support is also always on the lookout for any offensive attack at all times, applying a zero-tolerance policy to insults and cyber attacks by users. Also, something very positive about CAM4 is that it offers you the possibility to broadcast outdoors from anywhere with your mobile phone.

XBIZ: How do you keep your fans engaged on social media, when not camming?

CORTÉS: When we are not streaming, our fans can keep in touch by following us on Twitter @pabloysebas and Instagram @pabloysebas_ official. These are our personal accounts. We read and answer all messages, as well as publish photos, videos and all our news.

Our followers are also welcome to subscribe to our OnlyFans account, where every week we publish new content. We also make regular updates on our website:

XBIZ: What was it like winning the 2021 XBIZ Cam Award for Best Cam Model Duo?

CORTÉS: It means a lot to us to have won the XBIZ Cam Awards trophy for “Best Cam Model Duo.” We never imagined that we could win an award of this caliber in our past two years of camming.

We remember Reya Sunshine and SureCakes mentioning our names as award winners, looking at each other and bursting into tears with emotion. We are also so grateful to our fans for their constant help.

We are still very excited and still have a hard time believing that we will be the 2021 bearers of the XBIZ Cam Awards title of “Best Cam Model Duo.”

XBIZ: Any big plans for the rest of this year?

CORTÉS: Yes, we have many plans in mind. Since we won the XBIZ Cam Awards, our lives have changed a bit. However, we both say that it has improved because we started other new projects, as well as new collaborations with some companies. Also, we did a small tour around Europe to film new content and promote ourselves outside of Spain.

Our idea this summer is to move to Los Angeles in the United States. We have both received job offers, and we are eager to fulfill them. We are clear that this year our mission is to work as hard as possible to achieve our professional goals.

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