
5 Ways to Build Loyalty With Cam Followers

5 Ways to Build Loyalty With Cam Followers

In today’s ultra-competitive camming environment, building a loyal fan base is key to your success as a model and if you’re not thinking outside the box, you may be wasting your time.

The average cam site member is exposed to hundreds of models every day. If they don’t have a favorite model, it takes them just a few seconds to decide what thumbnail they are going to click on. Why should they click on your room and not another?

Show your followers that their opinions matter to you by frequently asking for feedback.

Fortunately, social media and content-selling sites have opened up a world of opportunity, which is why you don’t need a generous budget or exceptional skills to succeed in today’s environment. Models of all shapes and sizes now have an equal chance to reach their members and create a loyal fan base over time. Here are a few ways to do that.

1. It's Never About You

It’s a great ego boost to watch your cam room start to climb. While favorites and comments in your room are exciting, never forget that building your fan base is not actually about you at all. If you want to have real success, you need to create true personal relationships with your members.

While in a normal shop it’s about offering an exceptional product or service, in this industry you are the product and you need to be the exceptional product. You should always go above and beyond expectations and consistently create outstanding content and shows. Stand behind your brand and values, let them know what to expect and your members will be willing to do the same.

2. Ask Your Followers For Feedback

As you know, being a cam model is all about building relationships. And in a relationship you always have two sides. Show your followers that their opinions matter to you by frequently asking for feedback. It can be about your show, about your content that you sell or about your cam room. When you involve your fans in the planning process, they’re more likely to give you their enthusiastic support.

If you take this advice, however, make sure you are open to implementing the suggestions you receive. Fail to do this and you run the risk of leaving your audience feeling ignored and frustrated and that they kind of wasted the time they invested in you.

3. Go Online on a Consistent Schedule

Contrary to some advice, you don’t have to be online in your cam room every single day. What you do need to do is decide on a camming schedule you are comfortable with and stick to it.

If you’ve been going online daily and then suddenly stop for days, don’t expect your members to be waiting when you return. Let your followers know what they can expect, and then deliver on your promises.

They will schedule around your time and program, so make sure you write it in your profile as well.

4. Reward Your Fans

Constantly think about low production cost, yet high-value ways, to reward your members. Do it early and do it often. Your rewards can be in the form of access to special content, stickers, signed posters or polaroids.

Keep members from getting bored by frequently switching things up. Use your imagination and the possibilities are virtually endless.

At Stripchat, we made this super easy with the introduction of fan clubs. Your members can sign up to support you at three different levels through a monthly subscription and you can reward them with special content in different fan club folders, to earn money while you sleep and kick start every month with tokens in your account.

Focus on 1,000 True Fans

A great marketing guy named Kevin Kelly came up with this beautiful concept that you don’t really need more than 1,000 true fans. It’s easier to get this number when you reverse engineer it. If your goal is to earn $100,000 in a year, all you need is 1,000 true fans that will pay you $100 each. Or if everyone pays you $200, you only need 500 true fans to make your target. Now, the goal doesn’t seem so hard to achieve anymore.

A true fan is defined as someone who will purchase just about anything and everything you produce. They will drive 200 miles to see you at an event. They will buy the super deluxe re-issued hi-res box set of your stuff, even though they have the low-res version. They have push notification and email notification whenever you go online.

It’s this level of loyalty and passion that you can build with your members. Take advantage of these ideas and make 2020 your year to shine.

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