
WIA Profile: Toni Kennedy

WIA Profile: Toni Kennedy

Today's brand of sensual commerce is a one-stop-shop where consumers can find pleasure products intertwined with sexual pop culture, advice and education, and a real, live sexpert to underwrite it all. That, in a nutshell, comprises the expertise of retail sales associate Miss Toni Kennedy, who spends her days with the Enchantasys team in Huntsville, Alabama.

Toni Kennedy is a certified sex educator, sex and relationship coach, and self-proclaimed sexcessories specialist (read: the industry's biggest sex toy nerd). Kennedy can cook up captivating sex-ed no matter the situation. From large consumer events at the Enchantasys shop to sex shop sales trainings for curious customers, and even pleasure-ed parties for every occasion — you name it, Kennedy's planned it and brought down the house with her unique and playful brand of sex education.

We want to create stores that will not only provide a variety of products for all types of bodies, but a place where education and advice is celebrated.

According to Kennedy, the Enchantasys experience ensures that everyone who walks through the doors leaves with their universe-given right to pleasure-ed. Now she's teaching tomorrow's generation of sex toy consumers why pleasure devices are more relevant and important to our intimate lives than ever before.

Kennedy is constantly on the lookout for positive trends and the opportunity to bash stereotypes. She's worth friending on Facebook for her crowd-sourced sex polls alone (because who doesn't want to know what every friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend thinks about what makes sex awesome?) But for industry professionals, Kennedy is truly a cornucopia of consumer opinions and an invaluable resource for every level of sex toy veteran.

This New York-born, Alabama-living babe has big things to say about the future of erotic interaction, and that's why she's this month's star for Women in Adult.

XBIZ: In a nutshell, how are you feeling about the year in pleasure products thus far (and considering we’re almost to 2021!)?

Toni Kennedy: I think pleasure products have come a long way since I started in 2007. I have seen toy makers really think outside the box and create products for all body types. I am loving the attention to details such as multiple functions and sensations. I can’t wait to see what is next. I’m hoping for more products designed to work with those experiencing erection difficulties; more items for those that have disabilities that limit how they hold the toys and usage. I want to see more products for the trans community and even more innovation in the teledildonics category.

XBIZ: How long have you been a sexual health and sex toy expert?

Kennedy: So, in 2007 I started working part-time at a store in Huntsville, Alabama, mostly to save for culinary school. I started working with customers and the more questions they would ask me, like “Is this a good product?” or “How do I orgasm?” the more I realized I wanted to learn more about sex and sexuality. I figured the world has plenty of chefs, and my passion grew from there. I bought books, watched anything that would teach me more, listened to podcasts. I remember sweeping the stock room listening to Sunny Rodgers on Playboy radio.

After several years of gathering as much information as I could, I decided that I wanted to fully make a career within sex education. I went to visit manufacturers at trade shows, enrolled in classes and began my journey to develop a new way of shopping for pleasure products at the retail level. In 2016 I started getting credentials and now in 2020 I am honored to be a sex and relationship coach and toy expert. I’m simply known as the “sex nerd” because I will never stop learning and developing within the industry. I just enrolled in a few more classes. I’m always hungry for more knowledge.

XBIZ: What was your first business venture into the pleasure products space?

Kennedy: I’m in the South and I had to really become a product of my environment. I wanted to introduce shame-free sex advice in a way that would inspire my community and get around the stigma we have with our conservative background. It was a step-by-step process. I worked in the retail space as an associate for years. Then last summer, while developing plans to open an Enchantasys Intimate Boutique in Huntsville, I created a social platform called Body Positive. My main focus with that venture was public speaking, coaching and hosting events. When Enchantasys was open and ready for me to sex nerd in a retail space again, we integrated all of my services into one complete dream and set up a classroom and event space right next to the store front.

XBIZ: Now that you’re with Enchantasys, what do you love most about the company?

Kennedy: Kim and Jim Patterson, the founders of Enchantasys, are all about education and ensuring that we have a variety of products. They are committed to the customer and not just on a sales-based level. I find that we share the same goals for the future of intimate retail settings. We want to create stores that will not only provide a variety of products for all types of bodies, but a place where education and advice is celebrated. I’m so happy to be a part of the family.

XBIZ: What ethics or standards are most important to you when serving your Enchantasys customers?

Kennedy: We strive to normalize. We are firm on empowering our local communities through events, workshops and a very knowledgeable staff — pretty simple standards with a powerful impact. “You have the right to sexual education;” that’s how we feel and that’s what we want for anyone that walks into one of our stores.

XBIZ: Comparing and contrasting the pleasure industry’s past, present and future, how far have we come since years past? How would you describe our current environment as an insider, and where do you think we’re headed?

Kennedy: I think in our past we marveled at materials and early Bluetooth development. Silicone became mainstream and attention to body-safe ingredients was the primary focus. In our present, new sensations and creativity are at the forefront, and as far as the future, I think we are going to see more sexual health information included with the toys. I think we are going to see more innovation in the shapes and sizes of the products, and I think we will see more inclusive items on our shelves. I can’t wait for it. I’m so excited.

XBIZ: What’s next for you and your sex toy career?

Kennedy: I’m working on various ideas and ways to keep spreading sex positivity everywhere, but especially in the South. I have yet to meet another educator in my state or several surrounding areas, so I have been very focused on public events. I will be adding services as we get into the New Year, like one-on-one coaching and even public training. My biggest dream would be to publish a book filled with advice and anecdotes, defiantly informative but with some humor. Sex is fun and it’s a funny thing that we do if you stop to think about it. It should be enjoyed, and it should be pleasurable. If I ever got the opportunity to consult on toy design I would cry, that would be so freaking cool. In the meantime, my main goal is to develop our newest store location and keep finding new ways to make everyone feel good.

Each month, industry news media organization XBIZ spotlights the career accomplishments and outstanding contributions of Women in Adult. WIA profiles offer an intimate look at the professional lives of the industry's most influential female executives.


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