Age Verification

News & Articles
285 results:

Idaho Republican Behind Age Verification Bill Cites Constitutional Mandate to 'Promote Morality'

The Idaho House State Affairs committee this week unanimously moved forward the state’s copycat version of the age verification legislation being sponsored around the country by anti-porn religious conservative activists.

West Virginia Religious Republican's Anti-Porn Age Verification Bill Moves Forward

The House Judiciary Committee of the Republican-controlled West Virginia state House of Delegates has passed, with little discussion, the state’s copycat version of the age verification legislation being sponsored around the country by anti-porn religious conservative activists.

Age Verification Service 'Bouncer Digital' Launches

Age verification service Bouncer Digital has debuted, with a focus on solutions specifically designed for the adult content sector.

Florida Pastor/Legislator Introduces Anti-Porn Age Verification Bill

A Republican state legislator in Florida, who is also a pastor, has introduced a copycat version of the age verification legislation being sponsored around the country by anti-porn religious conservative activists.

Montana Democrat's Anti-Porn Age Verification Law Goes Into Effect

Montana’s version of the copycat age verification legislation being promoted by religious conservatives around the country went into effect this week. Offers EU-Compliant Age Verification Solution to Adult Platforms

France-based is offering its age verification solution to adult platform operators seeking to comply with requirements of the European Union's new Digital Services Act (DSA).

North Carolina's Controversial PAVE Age Verification Mandate Becomes Law

The North Carolina law establishing age verification requirements for adult websites will go into effect Monday.

AI Facial Scanning Providers Rush to Offer Age Verification Compliance Solutions

Several tech companies are offering new artificial intelligence (AI) solutions to estimate the age of people accessing websites, taking advantage of potentially lucrative opportunities for enabling compliance with the U.K.’s new Online Safety Act and similar legislation moving forward in the EU and the U.S.

Tennessee Republican Proposes Felony Charges in Copycat Age Verification Bill

Republican state Rep. Patsy Hazlewood on Wednesday filed an age verification bill with the Tennessee state legislature, a copycat version of the numerous age verification bills being advanced by religious conservatives and anti-porn crusaders around the country.

UK Government Unveils Controversial Age Verification Guidelines for Adult Content

U.K. media regulator Ofcom, the government authority tasked by the recently enacted Online Safety Act with online content restriction enforcement, issued on Tuesday its first guidance to adult websites regarding age verification.

Australian Right Foregrounds Age Verification as Political Wedge Issue

Australia’s conservative Liberal Party and the country’s influential right-wing media have recently begun foregrounding age verification for viewing adult content as a political wedge issue against the Australian Labor Party government led by Prime Minister Norman Albanese.

Indiana Republican's Copycat Age Verification Bill Introduces Felony Charges for Adult Websites

Republican state Sen. Mike Bohacek this week filed an age verification bill with the Indiana state legislature — a copycat version of the numerous age verification bills being advanced by religious conservatives and anti-porn crusaders around the country.

Biblically Inspired Alabama Legislator to Introduce Copycat Anti-Porn Legislation

A religious conservative lawmaker in Alabama revealed Monday that she intends to introduce a copycat age verification bill as soon as the state legislature’s 2024 session begins.

Texas AG Ken Paxton Files Motion to Dismiss FSC Lawsuit Over Mandatory Labeling

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Wednesday filed a partial motion to dismiss the lawsuit by Free Speech Coalition (FSC) and other plaintiffs against the state’s controversial age verification law, which mandates that adult websites post anti-porn propaganda.

Bloomberg Law Report Links 'Addiction' Lawsuits Against Meta, Age Verification Battles

Bloomberg Law published a report on Thursday, linking the onslaught of federal and state lawsuits against Meta over the supposed addictive nature of Instagram and Facebook with the anti-porn “age verification” controversies around the country.

5th Circuit Hears Arguments in Texas Age Verification Challenge

A three-judge panel of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday heard arguments regarding the injunction against enforcement of Texas’ controversial age verification law, which mandates that adult websites post anti-porn propaganda.

Judge Partially Dismisses FSC Lawsuit to Stop Louisiana Age Verification Law

A federal judge has granted a motion by Louisiana officials to dismiss part of the lawsuit filed by Free Speech Coalition (FSC) and other plaintiffs seeking to block that state’s age verification law.

Democratic NC Governor Signs Copycat Age Verification Bill Into Law

Democratic governor of North Carolina Roy Cooper ignored the arguments of free speech advocates and signed into law on Monday a bill mandating age verification on adult websites.

FSC Calls on North Carolina Governor to Veto Age-Verification Bill

Free Speech Coalition (FSC) has sent a letter to North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, asking him to veto House Bill 8, to which a Republican legislator attached a copycat age-verification amendment.

Leading Free Speech Groups File Brief Blasting Texas' Age Verification and Mandatory Labeling Law

Several leading free-speech groups, led by the ACLU, urged the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit on Thursday to block the Texas age verification law that requires adult websites to post anti-porn propaganda, contending that this violates the First Amendment.