
Cam Show Marketing on Twitter vs. Snapchat

Cam Show Marketing on Twitter vs. Snapchat

Tired of seeing your social media account notifications dwindle away? If you’re a cam model, it’s time to step up and take control of the conversation. While Instagram and Tumblr are playing sheriff and throwing up roadblocks for adult content creators, you can find refuge on Twitter and Snapchat, where being naughty ain’t against the law. For models looking to branch out, these platforms offer the chance to boost engagement, create a sense of community, build relationships and grow your brand in big ways. Here are some tips to help you take advantage of this awesome opportunity.

Twitter Marketing for Cam Models

Once you have fans wrapped around your finger with your naughty visuals, you can funnel them to your cam site.

Twitter is one of the most adult-friendly social media platforms out there, so it’s not a coincidence that so many cam models go there to share their content and connect with fans. How can you use Twitter to your benefit?

1 • Post your cam site and referral links directly. Unlike other socials, Twitter doesn’t block explicit links and allows you to add a link to your profile too, so make sure that you direct people to the right place by adding your affiliate link or model platform link to your Twitter profile.

2 • Promote content. Unlock the power of Twitter by tapping into its full range of promotional possibilities. Create a stunning graphic with all your info and make it your pinned tweet, to let followers know they can buy content directly from you. Rather than just settling for an ordinary header, why not personalize yours further with details about videos, other social media or cam sites? Just make sure your profile pic and header are SFW, since Twitter does get strict on those particular elements.

3 • Announce shows. Just as you can easily promote your content on Twitter, you can also use it to announce your streams and spread the word about upcoming special shows you might have in store.

Start by crafting an eye-catching tweet that announces when you will be going live. Make sure to include a hashtag associated with your niche or genre of content, as well as popular streaming-related hashtags like #streamer, #livecamshow or #webcammodel. If you have any upcoming promotions or incentives for your audience, make sure to include that in the tweet too.

You can also leverage visuals to make your tweets stand out even more, by including GIFs or video clips from past performances that showcase the type of content you produce. This will let people know why they should tune in to your broadcasts, and will also help create anticipation and excitement ahead of time.

Pro tip: As often as possible, engage with other Twitter users by responding to tweets from influencers in your niche or retweeting fan messages that mention you. This will help draw attention to your account and get more eyes on your announcements.

4 • Network with models. Twitter isn’t just good for connecting with users; it can also be a great tool to connect with other cam models. If you’re plugged in but experiencing burnout, seeing what your peers are doing on social media might help spark some much-needed motivation. Who knows? Maybe their success will rub off on you! In a world where many sites make it hard for models to network, don’t be afraid to reach out and spark some new friendships.

Snapchat Marketing for Cam Models

Snapchat has changed the world of sexting with its groundbreaking photo-deleting features. It’s easy, discreet and can go a long way toward helping you expand your fan base.

1 • Advertise your cam profile. Simply post a picture of yourself to your story with a link to your cam profile, and voila! Your story is the best tool you can use to reach your audiences since it’s a “send once” kind of tool to let people see what you’re up to. Whet their appetite and give them a taste of what they will get if they subscribe to your model profile. Since Snapchat is great for sexting, exploit that side of it. You can send not only photos but also videos, which will disappear shortly after and vanish forever. Once you have fans wrapped around your finger with your naughty visuals, you can funnel them to your cam site. A story or nude with a simple “Want to see more? Follow me on my model profile for the real fun!” will do the trick.

3 • Sell your Snapchat access. Plot twist: apart from being a promotion tool for your model profile and shows, Snapchat can also help you make money directly. How? With premium Snapchat, a special account through which you can charge users for access to all the nudes and naughty stuff that you post there. Premium Snapchat is not an “official” Snapchat feature, though, so it requires a third party to accept payments. However, the ultimate goal is increasing earnings from your cam site of choice.

Whether you’re tapping into Snapchat or Twitter, their adult-friendly terms of service allows quite a lot of freedom in promoting your sexy brand, not to mention sending traffic to spicier platforms. So, what are you waiting for? Start dreaming up your next tweets and snaps right now.

Eva is an industry insider who helps performers make money on their own terms. When she’s not writing a blog post, poking around online or networking, she is practicing yoga or doing Netflix marathons. Contact her at eva@stripchat.com.

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