
Tips, Toys for Exploring Advanced Anal Play

Tips, Toys for Exploring Advanced Anal Play

There’s no doubt about it, butt stuff has hit the big time. It may be hard to believe, but not so long ago, anal sex and related activities were considered deeply taboo. Things like analingus and butt plugs weren’t widely discussed — heck, pegging didn’t even have an official name until 2001. Today, however, it’s a different story. Featured everywhere from movies to magazines, anal pleasure has hit the mainstream. The result? More folks than ever are giving anal play a try.

With this new wave of intrepid sexual explorers has come increased awareness of the profound importance of offering beginner toys, “intro to anal” kits and plenty of education. While that will always be important, no one stays a beginner forever, and so what about the folks who gave anal a try, loved it and now want to take it to the next level? Odds are, you have some shoppers who are ready to graduate to more advanced toys, so today we are going to talk about how you can best serve those shoppers who are ready to go beyond Anal 101.

Since the definition of ‘advanced’ may shift depending on what each customer is working towards, it is vital that you know your shoppers’ #AnalGoals.

What do we mean by “advanced”?

For our purposes, the term “advanced” applies to toys that go beyond the basics. That includes toys with more features, items that let you do cool high-tech stuff or even just toys that are really big. Since the definition of “advanced” may shift depending on what each customer is working towards, it is vital that you know your shoppers’ #AnalGoals. That will help you advise them about what the best advanced options are for them.

But first, let’s review some important stuff. Sometimes, when we are ready to level up, we brush aside the stuff we learned at the beginning as no longer necessary. Kind of like when you took your training wheels off your first bike. Anal play, however, is not one of those situations. Even as folks move on to more advanced anal play, the basics remain incredibly important and worth repeating:

  • Only anal toys are anal toys. No household objects or repurposed vibrators, please! Toys designed for anal use typically have a handle or flared base preventing them from getting lost inside the body. After all, no one wants to “advance” to the ER.
  • Lube, lube, lube. The anus does not self-lubricate, and the tissue is delicate, so make liberal use of anal-friendly lubricant. Saliva is not a substitute!
  • That thing I just said about the delicate tissue. Anal tissue needs to be handled with care, so make sure your shoppers know that leveling up anal play is more of a marathon than a sprint. No jumping right to big toys. That’s also why anal training kits are a great option — multiple sizes in one purchase!

Options for the advanced

OK, now the fun stuff: What can you recommend to people looking to take their anal explorations up a notch? As mentioned earlier, it largely depends on what they ultimately want. Length? Girth? Cool features? Different sensations? There are options for all of that and more.

For folks who are ready to move on from a basic butt plug but aren’t looking for anything extreme in the size department, plugs with weighted interiors might be just the ticket. Adding weight to plugs and prostate stimulators in familiar shapes and sizes can deliver that little something extra that some shoppers want. If they also want something with visual appeal, bejeweled weighted plugs deliver added sensation in a very pretty package.

Does your shopper want to move on to bigger toys? Great. If it’s depth they’re after, extra-long tapered insertables can help them level up from 0.6 inches to 1.8 inches in diameter. This gradual increase helps push the boundaries of backdoor play. Large items often come with a smaller tip so users can work their way up. On the other hand, shoppers who crave both length and width might be interested in extra-large shapes. These can look imposing at first glance — but shoppers seeking big sizes aren’t easily intimidated, so don’t be afraid to make the suggestion.

What about folks hoping to explore new anal play options, maybe ones they didn’t even know existed? Folks looking to test their anal limits might enjoy something completely different, like an anal dilator. These kinds of plugs can open the anal cavity wide, and from there the wearer can decide whether to just enjoy the satisfying stretch sensation or up the ante by removing the plug’s cover and inserting something else anal-safe through the opening.

Shoppers who want to mix some pain in with their anal pleasure might consider trying an electrostimulation toy that delivers intense e-stim and vibration combinations as its plug shape spreads wide to completely fill the wearer’s anal cavity.

The take-home here is that when you offer an assortment of anal products at different levels, you can better serve those shoppers who wish to step up their game.

Anal play has worked itself firmly into the zeitgeist and probably isn’t going away anytime soon, so adult retailers should consider offering advanced options alongside the basics. Make sure you always stock a varied selection of butt toys, and you will be ready to give shoppers what they need at every stage of their exploration. After all, today’s brand-new butt beginners are tomorrow’s bold and adventurous ass masters.

Rebecca Weinberg is an award-winning industry leader with more than 20 years of experience in the adult industry. She is the president of multi-award-winning pleasure product manufacturer XR Brands.


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