
A Look at the Pleasure Products that Simulate Cunnilingus

A Look at the Pleasure Products that Simulate Cunnilingus

When it comes to sex toys, there’s never a dearth of new product coming onto the market. Some are truly unique, some feature innovative technology, and others simply offer a fresh take on a classic bestseller. Some product releases, however, end up being genuinely surprising, not just for their design or function, but also because of how quickly consumers embrace and buy them. One example is the growing category of sex toys that cleverly simulate the sensation of cunnilingus, i.e. oral sex on a vulva.

In the past decade, this category has gone from semi-obscure with very few successful options to something booming, profitable and consistently head-turning. Manufacturers have steadily experimented with design features that look like tiny lapping tongues, rotating balls that swirl and swish around the clitoris, and air pulsation and suction — all meant to provide sensations that feel like the real thing. Now many products are equipped with more than two of these features, giving users more options and new ways to experience the kind of pleasure that previously was only possible from a human partner.

In this article, we’re going to take a look at the various toys designed to simulate cunnilingus: what they are, how they work, and how to help customers find the right one for them.

What Are Cunnilingus Simulators?

Short answer: anything mechanical meant to emulate the physical sensation of receiving cunnilingus. The longer answer: while cunnilingus simulators come in a wide variety of shapes and forms, they are typically handheld devices that employ vibration, suction, air pulsation, stroking, swirling, lapping — or a combination of these functions — to stimulate the clitoris, labia and vagina. Cunnilingus simulators can be used both for solo masturbation and couples play and, most recently, have caught the attention of social media platforms like TikTok where they are garnering some of the fastest and most effective organic marketing attention.

What Types of Cunnilingus Simulators Exist?

There are so many options when it comes to cunnilingus-simulating toys! For folks looking for something compact and efficient — i.e. fast orgasms — air-powered suction devices provide a “surround sound” type of stimulation that helps draw blood flow directly to the clitoris and clitoral hood, quickly increasing sensitivity and drawing out orgasm after orgasm with little effort from the user. However, some shoppers require something less intense than this, which is why we recommend retailers also stock the kinds of stimulators that surround the clitoris with a swirling or rotating motion. It’s important to remember that the direct and intense sensation of air suction or pulsation is not for every clitoris, so we recommend that retailers not only have additional options on shelves, but also are prepared to ask questions and get clear on what shoppers really want and need from their cunnilingus simulators.

Many shoppers know exactly what their clitorises and vulvas can take, which is why there are toys that deliver multiple kinds of stimulation with the option of enjoying them simultaneously. There’s even something for folks who want to enhance the act of giving cunnilingus and are looking for products they can use along with their own mouths and tongues, so don’t underestimate the selling power of tiny vibes that comfortably strap onto the tongue, taking cunnilingus to another level.

How Cunnilingus-Simulating Toys Can Up Shoppers’ Sex Game

One reason that cunnilingus toys are such a big hit is that they allow users to replicate the cunnilingus experience, and the mind-blowing orgasms it can deliver, without a partner. Another benefit of these toys is that they give couples entirely new ways to explore and experiment. Perhaps the biggest benefit of cunnilingus- simulating toys is that they provide a unique form of stimulation that simply wasn’t available before this genre of toys came along. They go beyond basic vibration, which isn’t every clitoris’ cup of tea. They don’t require penetration, though there are dual-stim versions that have an insertable portion! Plus, they incorporate motions and sensations that toys never could before.

All in all, cunnilingus-simulation toys can be a fantastic recommendation for shoppers looking for something unconventional or outside-the-box for their bedside.

Help Your Customers Take a Licking!

Because cunnilingus toys are still relatively new, retailers will probably encounter a good number of shoppers who are less familiar with the category or who come into stores feeling inspired by a specific product they saw on a favorite influencer’s feed. That means you have an opportunity to create a strong relationship by making smart and thoughtful recommendations! Offering some education about the options in this category — including alternatives to some of the lower-quality but highly viral products seen on social media — can not only promote a sale, but also build trust. For the shoppers who already know about the magic of cunnilingus simulators, you have a valuable opportunity to tell them about all the exciting new developments in this category that’s constantly growing.

The key steps to helping your customers navigate the cunnilingus toy landscape are relatively straightforward:

1. Make sure you and your staff know what’s what. Stay on top of new products, and make sure you know what features they have and why they are beneficial. Some retailers have a policy that requires staff members to test all the toys they carry, and this is especially recommended with products that provide a newer kind of stimulation. That way, staff can rely on their own experience versus just reciting selling points, and they can provide genuine answers to shoppers’ questions.

2. Be prepared to ask questions and help shoppers understand what products and features may be beneficial for them. Clitorises are not factory-made and stimulators are not one-size-fits-all, so having the opportunity to discuss needs and expectations will ensure that you make the right recommendation and, in turn, establish a loyal customer for life! Cunnilingus toys are changing the pleasure products landscape, and with a little know-how, you can keep shoppers in the know and on board with this sizzling hot trend.

Rebecca Weinberg is the president of XR Brands.


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