
A Retailer Guide to Puppy Play Essentials

A Retailer Guide to Puppy Play Essentials

When you think of sexy bedroom accessories, what comes to mind? Probably vibrators, lubricant, handcuffs, maybe an impact toy or two? What about a collar and leash? They may not be the first things that come to mind, but for folks who enjoy puppy play, those would certainly be on the list.

Retailers who are knowledgeable about and comfortable with this playful and surprisingly popular kink can help their customers feel comfortable and curious, and that can equal big sales! There’s a huge array of accessories available to support a whole range of play styles.

Retailers who are knowledgeable about and comfortable with this playful and surprisingly popular kink can help their customers feel comfortable and curious.

What is puppy play?

Puppy play is a form of role play that requires that one participant play the role of Trainer and one or more other participants take on the role of puppy or “pup.” As with any form of role-play, puppy play enables participants to let go of their inhibitions as they adopt qualities of a dog, such as playing fetch, walking on all fours, or even climbing into a crate. Puppy play may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of sexy time, but those in the know will tell you that it can provide the ultimate role-play experience.

Why are people into puppy play?

Pups live in the moment; they pursue the most basic creature comforts, free from the restrictions of language. Role-playing as a pup is not only completely unique, it can also lead to deep and profound feelings of freedom and vulnerability that we don’t experience in our stressful everyday lives — or even in other kinds of role-playing. Playing as a happy, adored and carefree pup and expressing only animal desires gives participants the chance to achieve a state similar to what BDSM practitioners refer to as “subspace.” Let’s not forget the trainers, though! There’s plenty for them to enjoy too. Not only do they get to explore the control and dominance they have over their pup, but they also get to experience the companionship, loyalty and unconditional love that only a pup can offer. Being a trainer can be very rewarding and enjoyable.

What gear do you need for puppy play?

As with any kind of role play, in puppy play, the right accessories go a long way towards creating a realistic experience. Luckily for aspiring pups and trainers, there’s a whole array of accessories they can use to transform themselves, including collars that let trainers easily control their pups and hoods that let pups take on a puppy persona. Full sets can even include a leash, collar, anal plug tail and a gag – everything one needs to create a satisfying and enjoyable puppy play scene. And don’t forget collars, mitts and feeding dishes! There’s so much out there that can help prospective pups get into the groove.

Some puppy play misconceptions

There are some big misconceptions about puppy play floating around out there, so here are some things you should know:

  • Puppy play does not, despite its name, involve actual animals. The participants are the “animals.”
  • Puppy play doesn’t have to be inherently sexual. It may feature sexual elements, but not always. This varies depending on participants’ preferences.
  • Puppy play is not the same as being a “furry,” which is the name for role-play in which participants typically wear fullbody animal suits.
  • Puppy play can be part of BDSM play, but it is not limited to hardcore BDSM enthusiasts. It can incorporate lots of praise and cuddles for a kinky experience that centers on tenderness and nurturing. That kind of play style still involves dominance and submission, but without incorporating rougher sensory elements commonly associated with BDSM.
  • Puppy play is not limited to any gender or sexual orientation. It is sometimes portrayed as an activity enjoyed by gay men, but participants of all genders and orientations enjoy getting their pup on.

Though it may not be what immediately comes to mind when couples think of role-play, puppy play might be just the ticket for adding some satisfying spice to their sex lives. Finding the right gear to set the mood can help prospective pups and trainers — i.e. your shoppers — see how satisfying puppy play can be.

Rebecca Weinberg is the president of XR Brands.


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