
Prioritizing Sexual Health in Retail Offers Profitable Results

Prioritizing Sexual Health in Retail Offers Profitable Results

These days we are seeing a big overlap between sexual pleasure and the medical field. Many doctors, nurses and therapists are seeking out more education about how to assist their clients with sexual wellness issues. Health and wellness tradeshows are becoming more common where you can find one taking place at least once a month in the U.S. alone (well, before COVID19 that is). These medical shows are geared towards doctors, urologists, gynecologists, nurse practitioners, midwives, therapists and educators all seeking continued education around sexuality.

Uberlube has been attending these shows for the past five years providing attendees with samples and knowledge to share with their patients. Why? Because many of their patients are experiencing sexual health issues such as vaginal dryness, changes in the elasticity of tissue, reoccurring bacterial infections and so on.

You may be asking yourself, how does your retail store come into all of this? The answer is simple: We give samples (over 4 million foil packs in 2019 alone!) and knowledge to the health professionals and in turn, they pass this information on to their patients while instructing them to visit their local retail store to purchase a bottle. Their patients try Uberlube and often fall in love with the product, after which they visit said local retail store to make that purchase. Many of these patients have never patronized an adult store and, as any industry vet would know, this can be a rather intimidating process. For this reason, it’s important to educate your staff about the health and wellness side of pleasure. By educating your staff, you are equipping them with the necessary tools to help customers feel comfortable and safe in addressing their sexual health issues in your store.

Dr. Michael Krychman, a sexual medicine gynecologist and sexual counselor/therapist, agrees.

“Sexual health education about sexual functioning is paramount as there are so many myths and mysteries still perpetuated and it’s important to provide information so clients are not misled or misunderstood. Educating staff is an invaluable asset for your consumers who are desperately seeking truthful knowledge. They will appreciate you going to the added effort to help them become better educated about their bodies and how they function.”

If altruism is not motivation alone, there are also opportunities to increase in-store sales and capture return business. People will remember the feelings they have when they leave your store, and if that feeling is one of joy, safety and empowerment, they are more likely to come back and shop with you over and over again, and this is the retail gold we are all looking to attain.

Folks are also coming in for sexual health and wellness issues beyond those listed above. For example, if a customer is coming in because their doctor advised them to purchase a bottle of lube and during their visit they open up about how menopause has changed their body, there may be other upsell opportunities for retail staff to suggest, and a well-trained employee would be able to list off some of the best products to aid in these bodily shifts. This staff member would know to suggest a dilator set or a narrow silicone dildo as these are essential items to help folks who have experienced changes in the elasticity of their vaginal canal. This staff member may also mention how vibrations can be useful to bring more blood-flow to the area, suggesting the vibrator should be tapered and less than an inch in width after which staff can pull different products from that section and help select the best fitting option for the customer’s budget.

Achieving orgasm is an ongoing challenge for many people of all ages and for these folks, not all forms of vibrations are created equal. Take someone who has already tried vibrators with softer levels of vibrations yet was unable to reach an orgasm. Giving the staff the wherewithal to know they should suggest a stronger toy such as a wand vibrator could be a defining moment for a customer who may have felt defeated and hopeless in their pursuit of pleasure.

Let’s move on to the penis toy market. Pumps, rings and other penis-devices are typically the go-to suggestions for said erectile issues. However, a one-size-fits-all approach is not the course of action here because pumps and rings may not be an effective solution for some of these customers. It’s very difficult if not just plain impossible for penis-owners with little to no blood-flow in their penis to get the results the packaging promises when using some of these products. Now ask yourself, how likely will it be for a customer who purchased a pump which had little to no effect on helping their erectile issue to patronize your store again? It is much more likely this customer felt misled, unsupported, and misinformed after sharing a deeply vulnerable health issue, something that does not typically equate to a return visit.

Incorporating sexual health and wellness education goes beyond brick-and-mortar stores. Are you the owner of an online business? Add educational information to your site that goes beyond sales. Many brands offer copy you can cut and paste right onto your site. Bonus points for educating yourself or anyone else that might assist in customer support on sexual health and wellness-related issues.

Unsure where to get started with sexual pleasure and wellness education? Here are a few ideas for you:

  • Ask vendors’ sales reps if they have any educational videos on the wellness uses for their products
  • Take sex-ed classes or do your own online research and then create a manual for your employees to read (or have an employee do this for you)
  • Incentivize employees for listening to select episodes on sex-positive/educational podcasts such as Shameless Sex and Sex With Emily. These are totally free and are chock-full of expert advice and toy, book and lube suggestions

It’s obvious as manufacturers and retailers that we have the obligation to help people have the best sex and pleasure possible. The benefits only increase when we add wellness education and knowledge into the picture. Whether your motivation is to shift your business model out of the kindness of your own heart or you are looking for additional avenues to drive sales, adding these little bits of sex education just might give you big results. So ask yourself, what feeling do you want your customers to take away from their shopping experience at your store?

Amy Baldwin is a certified sex educator, and lead educator for Uberlube.


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